Turbogato t1_j1448vj wrote
A long time ago my roommate that I worked with did this. Not only did he lose his job, I eventually lost mine as well since they assumed I was stealing as well due to association.
You might think it is a victimless crime but sometimes it costs other people their job.
At least you’re remorseful about it.
Gerald_Bostock_jt t1_j15g6zf wrote
It was illegal for them to fire you for that reason, if you were innocent
Turbogato t1_j15mvl1 wrote
I was a teen and didn’t know better back then.
BeastOGevaudan t1_j17ounw wrote
They could argue that he knew, and that since they were roommates they were benefitting from it, so was guilty by extension for nit reporting the theft.
Also, if in the US, a lot if places are "at will" and can fire you for whatever for the most part.
Gerald_Bostock_jt t1_j184aq1 wrote
There are still caveats to the at will practice.
Anyway, this goes to show that your employer will screw you over the first chance they get; so screwing over your employer isn't immoral.
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