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terminally-happy t1_j0uxfh1 wrote

Oh good I’m glad to hear you’re okay so far! If you can get a small towel really wet and stick it in the freezer for a while it might be nice to hold onto and numb your hand a bit. Good luck friend!


HushedCalli OP t1_j0uxmlw wrote

Oki, I'll keep that in mind! Have a good day!


onyxaj t1_j0wy6l6 wrote

Do NOT ice a burn. It's sounds good, bit it's really bad. Also don't run cold water on it. Cool to room temp is best.


OberonPrimeGX t1_j0zqz6q wrote

Immediately icing burns causes tissue scarring if I recall correctly? 9th grade science teacher had to help a student that burned her hand and I recall her getting mad at us for using ice water. Told us to use cool running water from the sink first.