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wingchild t1_j1o4stm wrote

That's de Sade in a nutshell: telling you what a libertine he thinks he is, while being endlessly repetitive to make sure you remember that rules are being broken. Aims for transgressive, lands on boring. Justine is like that, too; after a while it's less "oh no, poor Justine, set upon by all these creatures of lust" and more "what haven't they done yet? let's tuck that in. Oh we did that? Let's triple it up".


MundaneRuxx t1_j1qo947 wrote

Exactly this. I think most people who read his stuff are attracted to the taboo and hype and very quickly get gore-bored. It's not a warning sign if you've read de sade, it's a red flag if you finished de sade.