Submitted by t3_zomrg0 in tifu

I (21F) graduated college yesterday with straight As this semester. I didn’t walk, that was my choice. But because of that, only a handful of friends knew. My bestie (22F), let’s call her Neil Diamond, and I were making plans for a bunch of people to go out. She ended up bailing the day before so I decided not to go since there were 30+ stranger’s going to the bars. I’m an introvert and that just sounded like hell to me. I had three close friends come over to my place instead and it was so much fun. I told Neil Diamond that when her thing was over she should come over. She called me, I was on the couch so everyone heard, and she said “no one wants to hangout at your place with you” very loudly. I said okay and hung up. My friends comforted me but it still hurt. My friends and partner pointed out that was messed up and I started realizing just all these other not good things Neil Diamond does/says. All I wanted was to celebrate and feel supported and loved. When I told Neil Diamond her words hurt me this morning, she said it’s not fun unless there’s a ton of people but agreed what she said was really mean. I retorted with “I just wanted to have fun my own way the day I graduated.” She didn’t know i graduated. I’ve told her several times that this was my last semester. She realized she fucked up. I feel like I fucked up too. I asked for space and she’s been respecting my request. I’m starting to regret not walking at graduation. But the family members I wanted there couldn’t come. So I just didn’t feel like it was worth it. And in turn didn’t want to make a big deal out of it. My partner and friends last night made me feel better and we were having a ton of fun before the phone call, but having my best friend say that just makes me feel rotten.

TLDR, I told very few people I was graduating college and didn’t walk. My bestie was one of the people I told and she forgot. Proceeds to make me feel like crap for not wanting to go to bars and celebrating at home instead. Therapy Monday is gonna be fun.

So I have an update. The more I talked about it the more things resurfaced. Such as her getting mad at me for not liking her toxic ex. Her making antisemitic comments (I’m not Jewish but am non white) despite me explaining why those kinds of statements are not okay. My therapist says my best move is to simply distance myself and that this is a person I don’t need in my life. She obviously doesn’t care about me the way I care about her. I cried. Done all the “if only’s.” Been pissed as hell. And now, I’m accepting this. I denied all these signs for months and Friday was the straw that broke the camel’s back. If she reaches out then I’ll do my best to stay calm. But I will not be reaching out myself and gave my sister the presents I was going to give her. She knows what she did wrong and hopefully respects my space. Thank you for everyone who helped me realize that Neil Diamond is not my best friend.



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t1_j0nx0im wrote

A true friend does not act this way, and certainly not a bestie. When someone shows you who they really are, believe them.


t1_j0ofwle wrote

With a friend like this op doesn’t need to trouble herself making any enemies


t1_j0olh35 wrote

I know you refer to her as your "bestie" but I'm curious where you rank on her totem pole. It sounds like you two have very different likes and dislikes. She likes to party, you don't. She likes crowds, you don't. She thinks hanging out with you at your place is boring. I get the impression that you value her friendship more than she does yours?


OP t1_j0pcts5 wrote

Well, we grew close when I was living in the dorms. We just enjoyed each other’s company and helped with each other’s issues. She called me several times when her (now ex) was “causing harm” and I would rush over to save her. But she would get mad at me for not liking him after. On the flip side, when I moved out of the dorm, my neighbors were unalived and she let me, my partner and our pets stay with her until the person was caught. We both have estranged mothers. But we started growing apart because I stopped wanting to go to bars and parties. She says my reasons aren’t good enough “excuses” and I got really frustrated with that. So Friday was just the cherry on top


OP t1_j0pdt4e wrote

I should also mention, while I don’t like going I still go because I know she likes it. In the past month we’ve gone bar hopping 3 times, it would have been four if not for this incident. And she’s only come over once in the past 6 months.


t1_j0pwp12 wrote

I had probably 30 people I regularly hung out with in college between people I met in my dorm, roommates, and their friends. I regularly talk to like 3 of those people. The reality is, in college and high school, you’re friends due to proximity.


t1_j0se83h wrote

A lot of schools will let you walk at spring graduation if you graduate in the autumn. You could look into that and plan to have your family and friends be there in the spring


OP t1_j0wvt6x wrote

I don’t really want to walk. But because I didn’t, not many people knew. The only people I want at graduation would be my partner, brother and sister. But they both live pretty far and my partner and I are going to be celebrating just the two of us. I just regret not making it a big deal and having this happen as a result