Submitted by Suitable_Ad_1555 t3_1094gix in tifu

My friends always say I’m lonely, and to joke around with me whenever they find a girl around the track at P.E they tell her I like her. It’s very embarrassing so I stopped walking with them. Then queue this kid, we weren’t really friends at the time I barely knew him. I’m assuming he asked the girl I like (not knowing I like her) to ask me for my number as my friends tried to get her to give me her snap (which she agreed to and me stupidly ignoring it) and as I’m about to go inside to get my stuff and get ready to leave “Hey, Suitable-Ad right? Can I get your number” and after three seconds of silence I said no. This was a few weeks ago I just wanted to post it, she thinks I’m gay, and it’s not fun. I screwed up so badly. I have really bad social anxiety and I’m usually never able to talk to someone else, I literally hit the jackpot and walked away. I hate myself so much.

TL;DR I rejected the girl I like when she asked me for my number.



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indiana-floridian t1_j3w043q wrote

So, find a way to fix it. Anyone can understand "your question took me by surprise, I would like to exchange numbers." You could even have your number written out on a paper, with a second paper to write her number. It's not too late to fix this.

Think how rejected she feels!


El_Frencho t1_j3w3d2x wrote

Speaking as someone with a almost-but-not-quite similar story, I regret not saying something to this day 20 years later.

Write down your number, and tell her straight up, "The other week, I assumed my friend had put you up to it and had a knee jerk reaction, but if you’re actually interested here’s my number".
Minimal interaction for minimal anxiety, you can even walk away and see what she does after - if she messages you you’ll get her number then, so you don’t even need to ask for it.

If she refuses, that might be embarrassing in the short term but you’ll forget about it soon. But regrets can last much much longer.


Reddit-username_here t1_j3w47f0 wrote

Shit, I say go old school and write this on a note and hand it to her and walk away. "I thought my friends were just trying to prank me last time. But if you want my number, it's xxx-xxxx."

Then, if you get a message from her, cool. If you don't, cool. At least you didn't have to hear no in person like she did.


humboldt77 t1_j3w96ow wrote

“Hey Crush, my ‘friends’ have been taunting me for a while by trying to get every pretty girl they meet to ask for my number. I’m not gay, I was untrusting after their constant BS. If you’d still like my number, here it is… because I do want to get to know you better.”


Suitable_Ad_1555 OP t1_j3xz460 wrote

TIFU: even harder, thanks for all the comments while I was at school. But now I found out she’s started dating one of the guys who tried to set me up with her. I really appreciate all the nice comments and advice you’ve all given but it definitely won’t work out now.


Jesko66 t1_j43zfvl wrote

"She think's I'm gay, and it's not fun." bahahahahahahaha, sorry that made me laugh. But seriously OP go up and tell her your not and ask her out duh.