
humboldt77 t1_j4l1geh wrote

Reframe things. Your old name is just for her to use, in intimate situations, when you’re completely hers. Make it something private, a shared connection. Your new or stage name is for when other people are around, work functions, etc - but only she gets that part of you, no one else can hear or share it.


humboldt77 t1_j3w96ow wrote

“Hey Crush, my ‘friends’ have been taunting me for a while by trying to get every pretty girl they meet to ask for my number. I’m not gay, I was untrusting after their constant BS. If you’d still like my number, here it is… because I do want to get to know you better.”


humboldt77 t1_iya56ez wrote

Geez… if that’s legit, and I hate to give this advice, say nothing. If you say something, you’ll absolutely be ruining his relationship, your friendship, etc. It MIGHT come out in the future, but you could just as easily say you don’t remember anything either - you were drinking heavily too. I hate giving really unethical advice but this honestly sounds like one of those rare situations where letting sleeping dogs lie might be the best thing for everyone.