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ShoesRWeird t1_j67qrhl wrote

It's a small town and were the black sheep family in the neighborhood that everyone likes to talk about


Oakcamp t1_j67wx0y wrote


(In all seriousness OP, I know it's cliché to say this,but pay no mind to these young idiots. By the time you've forgotten about them, they'll be feeling existential dread every night once they realize what insensitive pricks they were)


Rakalope-88 t1_j68c40v wrote

Don't take criticism from people you wouldn't take advice from.

Fuck those people dude. Tell your mum about your shoes too, you can't go around with painful feet.


nivek_c t1_j68desr wrote

Been there before, fuck em. Wait till you get out of there one day and meet some people from larger cities and realize "all those assholes back home are really just ignorant losers in the grand scheme of things"


BlakeDSnake t1_j68f9q7 wrote

Fuck those shallow superficial turds. I never had brand name stuff growing up because my parents were too thrifty to buy ‘em.
40 years on, I am doing better financially than 80% of those high school turds. I went to a reunion last year and wore nonbrand shit the whole weekend. I had a great time and we all laughed at what jerks we (they) were about how important it was to wear “THE” right clothes.


maciver6969 t1_j68hg77 wrote

Ignore the ignorant and petty fools, one day if you keep your head right will end up as their boss.