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purpleushi t1_j437lxt wrote

When I was in high school I had piano lessons at my piano teacher’s house. Because of my schedule, I had my lessons before school one day a week. So this meant my lesson started at 6:45am. My parents would drive me to the lesson and then come pick me up and take me to school after. So one morning my mom went to drop me off and she had to go somewhere quickly (probably the gym or something) so she didn’t wait until I got into the house before she drove away. So I’m knocking on the door, and ringing the doorbell for like 5 minutes and no one is answering, so I wander around the house and try the other doors, and I’m freaking out because my teenage brain is like omg someone is going to see me and think I’m trying to break in and call the cops. But the really important thing is that this was before I had a cell phone (I didn’t get one until my sophomore or Junior year, and literally only because I convinced my parents I needed one for situations like this. And even then it was just a flip phone with no texting.) Anyway, I end up sitting there in the cold in my school uniform (short skirt, leggings, polo, hoodie, no coat because coats weren’t cool) for an hour until my mom finally comes back to pick me up. My piano teacher had somehow slept through her alarm and the 30+ times I rang the doorbell.


FortressOnAHill t1_j45yccs wrote

You can text on flipphones...


purpleushi t1_j46uxul wrote

I mean, you have to pay for it, and my parents didn’t lol. This was in 2007 before unlimited plans were a thing.