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[deleted] t1_j5svye6 wrote

You put in more effort setting up the iron than you would just using the right thing, and that’s before you went the wrong way on the heat control when it was obviously too hot already.


Titariia t1_j5sxcar wrote

On one hand you have to go get the iron board and the iron, make your sandwich, iron your sandwich and put the iron borad and iron away.

On the other hand you have to make your sandwich, put the sandwich in the oven, push some buttons, wait and take your sandwich out of the oven.

I wonder what's more effort for a lazy person.


[deleted] t1_j5sxyzh wrote

Oven should be on before reaching for the bread, nice to feel different cushion on cheeks for bit on the kitchen chair, it’s just walk to one spot for a few minutes and walk back to the other spot afterwards featuring hot sandwich goodness. Toasties are the answer to every single question.


Titariia t1_j5sy4qp wrote

Wellp, now I'm off to look at new sandwich makers xD


[deleted] t1_j5sybir wrote

Hope you find an awesome one, my vote is for the flat press type.


Texas_Indian t1_j5uouxj wrote

Oven takes too long to preheat, that’s why air fryers are the way, but I would take the iron out of the 2 choices you laid out


Titariia t1_j5vppit wrote

If you're starving, yes, but I would argument that you can do other stuff like scrolling Reddit while the sandwich is in the oven. And if it's just plain old toast with something on it it won't take too long either and you could fit at least 9 toasts in the oven at once whilse you have to do them one by one with the iron... maybe two if the iron is big enough.


[deleted] t1_j5wkd9l wrote

Gas oven, electric ovens belong in landfill