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blahbleh112233 t1_j656tbl wrote

You probably did deep down, but its also not fully your fault. Her boss wouldn't bring up performance without looking for an excuse, and you should know better than to go behind her back and shit on her.


[deleted] OP t1_j65709b wrote



blahbleh112233 t1_j657q91 wrote

I don't mean to come off as harsh but you're either lying to yourself or are really naive. But like I said, her boss was probably looking for a reason to fire her and you served it up to him on a silver platter so its not like its entirely your fault. But now you know, and yes, it is Karma since it sounds like she was a pretty decent boss


forvelcrobug t1_j65i3ze wrote

She sounded like s great boss.

Tho with how people try to twist things in their favour.

Like op trying with all the "I thought he would help her"

It wouldn't surprise me if op went behind her back, thinking the boss would promote him a little higher in the corporate ladder.

This then backfired when he took the position himself before finding someone outside the company, now OP is in trouble and feels bad for what he did.

Op deserve all this shit.


Personal_Sun_5014 t1_j67nbws wrote

Why didn’t you help her (your female boss) after she was there for you? Sounds like you’re just a taker. You’ve been beat up enough I see on this post. However, you really do have some innate selfishness that you should speak with a therapist about. You should think more about how you can help others instead of how others can help you.