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Inosmelllikecow t1_j656cl1 wrote

No sympathies for you. Your boss propped you up, helped you develop and let you vent (aka a better boss than most), and you turned around by stabbing her in the back by whining to her boss because she couldn't get over COVID fast enough for your taste? Now you're discovering that you aren't the great employee you thought you were and don't like that you aren't coddled anymore...woof.


[deleted] OP t1_j656rwk wrote



Mds_02 t1_j65imgg wrote

At best, you are extremely naive. The lesson to take from this is that your superiors at work are never on your side. If you find one that is, they are a unicorn. You shot the unicorn. The new boss is so hard on you because he knows what you did, and is trying to get you out before you can do it again.

Unless you want your colleagues to be fired, the only thing you ever say about them to the higher-ups is that their professionalism makes them a joy to work with and that they are indispensable to the company.


Eldryanyyy t1_j65m6jy wrote

Depends on your workplace and relationship with your boss. I used to work in manager/director positions, and I never fired anyone based on peer feedback - that’s very poor management policy.

Managers should evaluate and review employees under their supervision, and directors should do the same for managers. No sane director would fire a manager over a single employee complaint.


Mds_02 t1_j66lp6z wrote

But if those directors are going around asking…


rkus t1_j6795w9 wrote

You backstabber. She was the 1%. Now get ready to be fucked by the real world.


Tanagrabelle t1_j67pdcr wrote

I wonder if your former boss was in his way; keeping him from riding the employees.


TheShawnWray t1_j654e71 wrote

Dude, have you not heard of long COVID? She was struggling to get through the day. She would have eventually gotten over it, but you went over her head and made her boss question her performance. That was a dick move.


[deleted] OP t1_j655lv7 wrote



chaos021 t1_j67gidl wrote

All you cared about was you. What goes around...


Thundermedic t1_j67rzpo wrote

Yeah, I totally understand! I’m responsible for making sure things are cleaned up at home. But I slack off sometimes becuase let’s face it, I’m tired and the place gets exactly how my daughter likes it and she loves it! I mean, toys everywhere, stuffed animals in a big pile, building blocks and little stacking toys just everywhere. Well, eventually she trips over some silly toy and cries. I get the energy to console her, clean up the toys, and put everything away, she gets pissed! I mean she screams, whines, and throws a little tantrum. Even worse, no matter how many times I clean up, she gets angry every time.

When I read this post I thought to myself, if my daughter could write a Reddit post, it would go something like this. So I totally understand. I see this kind of thing daily!


smudgetimeusa t1_j6596q0 wrote

Fuck around you going to find out.


EmphasisFinal t1_j65650i wrote

Wow OP, you're a back stabbing POS, glad that woman had to sit there and listen to all your bitching just so you could throw her under the bus while she was sick from covid.

I sure do hope karma gets you


[deleted] OP t1_j656ek4 wrote



Nearby_Landscape3451 t1_j65wrq9 wrote

You need to realize that she was your friend looked out for you was sick and also that management doesn't give a fuck about anyone. You are objects to them. She did what anyone who knows the struggle and cares about others would do in her position to make work better for those under her, it was probably hard and she dropped a bit of her effort while struggling with long COVID. But she sounds above any beyond anything you could ever reasonably expect. If you have a good boss it's not because they are just a "nice person" it's because they go out of their way to make things nice for people under them and they are rare. You may never see one again. So to make up for the other employees now facing a harsher regime the only thing you can do is be that person yourself and put forth extra effort for those under you and shield them as much as you can. Because now you know what it's like both ways. If you do that you've atoned as much as you can for the employees but there's not much you can do for her. You buried her, even if it wasn't intentional it was backstabby.


Equal_Plenty3353 t1_j65g52x wrote

Me me me me me!! Like a toddler. My deathly ill great boss trying to recover from long term Covid wasn’t paying attention to ME! But what about ME and MY NEEDS. Ugh you’re a user


SpecialpOps t1_j6851i6 wrote

More like a psychic vampire or a leach. Gotta glom onto the boss and gaslight her then lash out when the energy source is gone.

ALL of my coworkers had each other’s backs when a few of us had long-haul covid. OP really did the dirty here.


[deleted] OP t1_j65gkwi wrote



Nearby_Landscape3451 t1_j65vm00 wrote

And you ruined a good workplace for everyone else including yourself my talking smack behind your bosses back to her boss. She was such a good sounding board and let you vent you said. You should have addressed this with her and told her how you felt. Instead you tried to get her in trouble by telling on her so your boss would clamp down and make her work harder. He did clamp down, and fired her. You really blew a good thing, just learn from your mistake. Good managers are 1 in a 100 and most are slave driving slaves themselves to get brownie points with the plantation master. Your mistake took away the support she was providing. That really sucks, learn from this and don't make the same mistake again. I don't feel bad for you at all, I feel bad for your old boss and the others who have to work there. This is a mistake of being sheltered and privileged. she understood the troubles of overworked underpaid employees and fought for them, you snitched. Management isn't going to reward you for it. Basically your class traitor and betrayed your boss/frien


Libertyprime8397 t1_j6816fl wrote

“I had to do something” you don’t own the company. Know your place and do your job.


[deleted] OP t1_j65eend wrote



[deleted] OP t1_j65rouc wrote



rude_flannel t1_j65sbf9 wrote

Sure depending on how old you are and if this is your first job or not but you basically shit talked someone that had your back you probably should have extended the same courtesy and had their back in return


[deleted] OP t1_j65suo9 wrote



rude_flannel t1_j65t3ce wrote

Well then I stick by my first comment bro you suck


[deleted] OP t1_j65udnr wrote



Federal-Invite1840 t1_j65wt50 wrote

Did you talk to your former boss about the issues prior to going above her to her boss?


[deleted] OP t1_j65xli5 wrote



rude_flannel t1_j65zk44 wrote

It’s crazy that people can have shit that effects them outside of work I don’t think you saw your boss as a person


kimmiinoz t1_j66uww8 wrote

That’s when you should have said to her ‘I know you’re struggling, what can I do to help us keep on top of things until you’re back up to speed?’

The minutiae of admin stuff can be tedious when you’re ill, so helping instead of bitching to her boss would have gone far. Stepping up with a great boss will only help your career, instead of losing it.


Alice-Xandra t1_j65wmzp wrote

*The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Now you know, personally, what this means.

Spend your time at work finding a new job, this 'performance review' is your notification of termination.

You fcked yourself too, learn from it & move on.


[deleted] OP t1_j65x8lm wrote



Alice-Xandra t1_j65zrmj wrote

Unfortunately, you may need to compensate by working more hours for less. You should, however, be sending out 5+ CVs a day at this point to anywhere hiring your skillset, as a backup.

Regardless of what led you here, I hope you manage to get sorted quickly, sounds like a terrible business to work for.


[deleted] OP t1_j660roc wrote



Dark_Jewel72 t1_j663qjx wrote

If you have a suspicion you’ll be fired it’s the most responsible thing to have a backup plan even if it isn’t your best-case scenario. Making less is infinitely better than making nothing. Don’t do this again if you ever have another cool boss. Lol.


Alice-Xandra t1_j663hgq wrote

I see.

You can pass this review if you meet the metrics of your role. You've done it before, do it again. Make sure to get the scope of the performance review in writing, before it starts.

Head down & bang out cv, after cv, till you find the right position to move to.

Good luck, whatever may come.


azrael962 t1_j675qfl wrote

Of course they want to get rid of you you stabbed your last boss in the back. No one wants to be the next person you screw over.


Waterblink t1_j66ez7y wrote

If that's your idea of helping, you're the one who needs help lmao


Rub-it t1_j66pgn2 wrote

How tf do you help by telling on someone to their boss? What exactly did you want him to do, force her back to work? You knew exactly what you were doing and I have dealt with evil people like you at work


yolkmaster69 t1_j67jtzj wrote

If you wanted to help, you should’ve asked your now fired boss what you could do to help instead of complaining about it.


Secretbackupaccount t1_j67pwha wrote

But you intended something to happen. Rather than going to the person directly and talking to her. You went over her head. There is a chain of command in any job. If you ignore it. The only possible outcome was fire/ write up. You knew what you did. You reap what you sow.


happysunshyne t1_j661457 wrote

What's you name? I want to make sure I never hire you.


Chernoboggo t1_j650mcb wrote

Sound's like karma


[deleted] OP t1_j652jf2 wrote



blahbleh112233 t1_j656tbl wrote

You probably did deep down, but its also not fully your fault. Her boss wouldn't bring up performance without looking for an excuse, and you should know better than to go behind her back and shit on her.


[deleted] OP t1_j65709b wrote



blahbleh112233 t1_j657q91 wrote

I don't mean to come off as harsh but you're either lying to yourself or are really naive. But like I said, her boss was probably looking for a reason to fire her and you served it up to him on a silver platter so its not like its entirely your fault. But now you know, and yes, it is Karma since it sounds like she was a pretty decent boss


forvelcrobug t1_j65i3ze wrote

She sounded like s great boss.

Tho with how people try to twist things in their favour.

Like op trying with all the "I thought he would help her"

It wouldn't surprise me if op went behind her back, thinking the boss would promote him a little higher in the corporate ladder.

This then backfired when he took the position himself before finding someone outside the company, now OP is in trouble and feels bad for what he did.

Op deserve all this shit.


Personal_Sun_5014 t1_j67nbws wrote

Why didn’t you help her (your female boss) after she was there for you? Sounds like you’re just a taker. You’ve been beat up enough I see on this post. However, you really do have some innate selfishness that you should speak with a therapist about. You should think more about how you can help others instead of how others can help you.


LurksAroundHere t1_j65l9kb wrote

Welp, now you get to be the one who's tired, stressed out, and struggling with your job in question, kind of how your previous boss felt. Good job. Karma definitely took a nice pit stop with you.


sallesjuli t1_j65iq4q wrote

You don't sound like a good employee. You were there for ten years and never tried to make things better or had ideas or good relationships with superiors? And then once this new boss came, you went to her with all of your problems looking for spoon-fed answers and not doing any of the critical thinking yourself. You then get the one person who helped you fired claiming you didn't know that's how things worked, when you are the one that has worked there 10+ years. And now you are surprised at being asked to come up with some solutions and not just "venting" aka complaining all the time. It sounds like you have been at this company waaaay too long to still not have any idea what you're doing or how to do it.


Ahllhellnaw t1_j684wnc wrote

Unfortunately the workforce is JAMPACKED with people just like that. Sounds like 80% of the people I've ever had to work with.


chaos021 t1_j68ophf wrote

Try supervising them. You'll understand really quick why managers keep their distance.


driscan t1_j65mbq6 wrote

I have the feeling that this TIFU is more about self-pity regarding the tricky position you've put yourself in, rathan than feeling remorse because you got your former boss fired.

Whatever happens next, learn this word and understand its implications: loyalty


[deleted] OP t1_j65ozma wrote



deahamlet t1_j67ihzf wrote

But you didn't post a TIFU right away along the lines "omg, TIFU by asking for more help for our team and getting my boss fired instead". Oh no, you are here crying because you are getting your just rewards - getting fired. You didn't really care that she was fired until it became worse for you.

You were there 10 years and somehow were not very knowledgeable about expectations or your higher ups.


GhostlySnailfish t1_j65t509 wrote

>Until I worked for him, I thought he was a good boss, I don’t now.

Yeah, everyone's a good boss until you have to work for them.


Fapple_ t1_j659zsy wrote

Take this as a lesson learned. I don’t know how long you’ve been in the workforce and how many bosses you’ve had in the past, but it sounds like your previous boss was a really good one and you completely threw her under the bus.

You said your boss helped you out a lot when you were having tough times, but then when she was going through tough times instead of being supportive, you complained about it to her boss, which at the very least would have gotten her in some kind of trouble.

I’m not going to beat you up or anything because it looks like you get it. Now what you need to do is use what your boss taught you and take ownership of your position. You don’t have her to hold your hand anymore so now you need to step it up and put what she taught you to use.

Also as a side note I agree with the new boss. Telling your boss a problem without offering any solutions is not “addressing a problem” it’s just complaining. I gain nothing if people come to me to complain about stuff, if you have the problem then you have some burden of responsibility to suggest a solution.

I have people come to me with issues that not only are they perfectly able to think up a solution for, but they even have the authority to act on it and fix the problem. If I just took everyone’s problems onto my plate I’d spend my whole day doing everyone else’s job and not get MY stuff done. Be self sufficient and take initiative!

Good luck OP I wish you the best!


Tuga_Lissabon t1_j664ng1 wrote

Not sure whether he gets "you threw a good person under the bus" or "I don't care about whatever else, but ME is hurting so BAAD".


gryphmaster t1_j6824yt wrote

They worked for that boss for a goddamn decade and still acted like this. Goddamn I’m furious at this person


[deleted] OP t1_j65on91 wrote



Fapple_ t1_j65py92 wrote

Well that could very well be the case, but as the one experiencing the problem you may be the most qualified one to find the answer as you’re the most familiar with it.

I would at least make it a habit that when you bring up a problem that’s going on, you communicate that you’ve thought up a couple solutions but they may not work. At least then your boss will validate your “not so great” solution and if any more problems stem from it, you were just following orders.

It’s a little cliché but I’ve always like the quote “The challenges you face today prepare you for the challenges you’ll face tomorrow.”

Every problem isn’t going to have the same solution, but sometimes solutions you’ve learned from other problems can help you out.

It sounds like you’re at a sink or swim moment in your career. Don’t let new boss watch you drown, get in there and show him you can do it.


londonschmundon t1_j65cbfz wrote

Oh boy. Karma. You got what you deserve.


[deleted] OP t1_j65rykh wrote



happysunshyne t1_j662lwi wrote

No you wanted someone to coddle you and make you feel special.

Soon you will have no job, and probably no references. Nothing to show for the last ten years of your work life.

No one in their right mind would recommend you for a new possession in your current company.


[deleted] OP t1_j665gk3 wrote



chaos021 t1_j67hopy wrote

Oh really? Go ask her what you should do now. See how that goes.


gryphmaster t1_j682akn wrote

Your thoughtlessness is the issue, not your motivations, which all in all, are useless compared to results, especially in work environments


chaos021 t1_j67j7ic wrote

You're a real POS. Even at this point, you're still just concerned with yourself. "It wasn't my fault", "I didn't mean..." No one gives a shit. Her bills don't give a shit what you meant either. Enjoy your karma, leech.


NeedsWit t1_j66woih wrote

TLDR; "I went behind my boss' back, badmouther her to her superior and got her fired. Now that she's no longer protecting I'm the next in the line of fire."

Looks like you get what you deserve.


smurfgrl417 t1_j66h9d8 wrote

Well now she can go be a rockstar with colleagues that won't throw her under the bus when the company comes sniffing for reasons to fire her because they can't use her health as an excuse. And you.... well you get life experience. What you learn from this is up to you. If you have a good manager, and you want to keep that manager, don't complain about them to higher ups, especially not if prompted.


hmmmm83 t1_j664977 wrote

Everything about this screams you being a horrible person to work with.

Your boss constantly listened to your vent sessions and did what she could to change things.

She obviously had some things going on, and rather than reciprocate the treatment she gave you, because sometimes as the leader, you may need some encouragement too, you instead find the next person you can vent to and talk crap about your boss to her boss.

As a manager you sound like an absolute nightmare to manage.


Colton_Omega t1_j674be8 wrote

As it’s been said before, fuck around and find out. You sound needy as fuck and like you need coddled and the moment your boss wasn’t there for you you fucked them over in spite, not even realizing your boss actually had your back. But now you know this isn’t game of thrones, you aren’t a main character and all you are is a problem worker to literally every higher up there now. You’ll definitely get fired but hopefully you learned your lesson and can find a job before they can you. When you are making good money and have a boss that has your back, fucking ride that wave until it crashes.


Razkal719 t1_j6515sf wrote

>I’ve just been put on an improvement plan so assume they’re trying to get rid of me

Don't assume this, especially if you have 10 years with this company. Work the plan, apply yourself and show them you're willing to improve. Going forward, whether with this company or another, don't vent to your boss. Vent to your friends after work. Your boss is not your friend. It's an axiom of business that you don't bring a problem to your boss if you don't have a solution, it doesn't have to great solution and don't expect it to be implemented, but it shows that your thinking and not just complaining. Also if your lucky enough to have a good boss and good relationship with them, support them both in your work and your words. Don't mean to sound cringe, but this is a real learning opportunity.


24556001895 t1_j67b0dx wrote

‘Improvement plan’ are usually them telling him he’s on thin ice.


johnackelley t1_j6hjecs wrote

OP is definitely in the wrong, but refusing to hear a problem unless it's accompanied by a solution is why so many businesses fail. Unless it's explicitly your job to come up with solutions for a given problem, you should not have to offer a solution. Whoever manages the aspect of the company with the problem should offer the solution.

Shutting down criticism is a fantastic way to never grow. This applies to people, business, and anything else with problems. Also, it seems that companies are never on the hook for offering solutions to their employees problems.

Poor performance? "Find a way to fix it or you're fired." Problem with the company? "Offer a solution or shut up." Funny how that works.


[deleted] OP t1_j653186 wrote



mook1178 t1_j65jaro wrote

>but I’m just not sure how to improve anymore.



[deleted] OP t1_j65nf0h wrote



chaos021 t1_j67iz2i wrote

I don't understand how you've been there 10 years, get propped up and promoted and are still fairly useless. Maybe they fired her because of you? If you're incapable of doing something that is your job without explicit guidance, then your termination is most likely appropriate. No one has time for hand-holding in the real world, and the ones who take the time to do so should be regarded as saints. You, however, decided to spit in her face and shit on her name when the opportunity presented itself.


deahamlet t1_j67iwa0 wrote


Had someone like you on an improvement plan. Man was "senior X position" (don't want to reveal too much) but was incapable of managing his workload, achieve goals, or plan a path for a project. However his "senior" job description included all those expectations and that's why his position was many many thousands more than a regular position. He could only do stuff if you told him A, B, C. Which even someone not in his specialty could do, let alone juniors.

Yes, the improvement plan led to him being let go. With plenty of cause.

Improve yourself, sounds like you've been skating by.


dudreddit t1_j66c44x wrote

I find it hard to believe how cold the OP is. The way he describes discarding his great boss is so very cold, without feeling.

OP, I would recommend moving this post from TIFU to IFU ...


crosberries t1_j67jvov wrote

Your boss helped you out, but when she needed YOUR help (to just treat her decently!), you immediately fucked her over. You're a terrible person. You cared more about your piss ass job than an actual human being who was attempting to recover from an illness that has killed millions.

Look in the mirror and question your humanity. Is this the person you want to be? If I looked in the mirror and saw you, I'd be ashamed.


jwgriffiths t1_j672te6 wrote

Sounds like things are working out as they should


chikashika t1_j674gy7 wrote

You’re an a**hole for that. You’re getting what you deserve. Learn your lesson and don’t repeat this again.


Cute_Unit_3157 t1_j685xno wrote

The question is how are YOU going to fix this? This may be one of the BIGGEST fuckups on here. A real fuck up. CONGRATS! You just won the sub.😑

If YOU’RE going down, YOU better go down swinging! YOU own that shit, YOU go in there and explain to her boss, the one YOU were comfortable with, and YOU tell him exactly this! YOU tell him he was the sounding board she was, and that she’s the best boss YOU’VE had!

YOU take ownership in YOUR fuckup, and YOU bring YOUR coworkers in to rally for HER!

And YOU better give us an update.


lampShade_44 t1_j6d6vut wrote

The loser deleted his post. What a jerk.


J3551684 t1_j6eg2bb wrote

He somehow DID NOT expect to be handed his ass over and over. The fact that he didn't see this all coming lends so much credence to what an entitled little brat he is. It's rare to witness such a beautiful example of comeuppance. I'm glad I was here for a bit of it. Hopefully he has it in him to truly treat this as a lesson learned. Maybe he'll surprise us all and become a badass boss himself because of it. ¯\(ツ)


MyPatronusIsALatte t1_j6c3955 wrote

I am not your boss but got fired for having long COVID.

You suck.


CharDeeMac567 t1_j652ywf wrote

This manager could have just been looking for an excuse to fire your boss so I'm not sure to what degree you should be blaming yourself for the whole ordeal.

There was no way for you to predict how this would be handled and the manager of your boss handled things terribly based on what you've shared here.

There are probably other factors and context related to this decision that you just won't be able to get much insight into. How come you've leapt so quickly to the idea that your boss's firing was 100% on you and not a combination of different factors including the higher level manager being some big jerk?


[deleted] OP t1_j653ijx wrote



CharDeeMac567 t1_j6549hf wrote

Yeah, I would just recommend not beating yourself up too much about this since you didn't know -- and couldn't know -- what would happen. It's only through encountering and experiencing these very negative outcomes that we learn to act and behave differently.

If you're brave enough, you could reach out to your old boss to explain your error and to try to repair that relationship. That could be a very scary but healing experience.


blahbleh112233 t1_j65a06b wrote

100% the boss was fishing for an excuse. Unless they're buddy buddy, you don't randomly ask about your superior's performance without there being an ulterior motive.

I'd advise against contacting her anyways. She's probably looking for a job now and picking up the pieces and there's nothing she can gain from being on good terms with OP. The trust is broken even if OP wasn't malicious considering now he's known to superiors as a blabbermouth.


[deleted] OP t1_j655uv8 wrote



Adraestea t1_j6596xv wrote

Well for starters, from what it sounds like, she definitely has long covid. From someone who struggled with long covid for over a year, I can tell you it feels like hell. Your brain is foggy to the point where you have trouble remembering an idea long enough to finish an entire sentence. When I had to read a paragraph, I could barely remember the beginning of the paragraph when I got to the middle of it. I struggled with doing simple math (and I was fine with advanced algebra my entire life) because I simply cannot even remember what I'm doing half way through. At some point I feel like I'm losing my mind.

What the above means is that doing well in a job search is basically impossible. I highly doubt you would be able to present your best foot forward in an interview when you struggle with holding onto ideas. She's probably already stressed enough trying to hang onto her own mind and now you've added more stress to that by putting her through a job search, in this economy.

You may have feel unsupported at your work, and that's frustrating, I get that. But you said yourself this is someone who came in, made improvements, promoted you, and helped improved overall performance. Clearly, she wasn't feeling like herself. Instead of just venting your frustration to her boss, you could have given her more benefit of the doubt and just a few more times to reach out.

But you didn't, you got her fired by going over her head to her boss. You're now "repenting", when your OWN job was at risk. This entire thread is about yourself and you're just looking for sympathy for someone to tell you that it's not your fault, otherwise, why would you not have posted about this when you got her fired, before you realized your own job was at risk?


I think you should just own up to the fact that you screwed up and be more considerate next time.


[deleted] OP t1_j659xh2 wrote



Adraestea t1_j65d10y wrote

You keep telling yourself that but you're working in a corporate world. This isn't a charity.

You told your boss' boss that your boss isn't performing. How in any way do you expect that to help her? Furthermore, you were explicitly asked by him (the boss' boss) about any issues you may have with her. Are you so naive to think that it is a "positive" sign?

Let's face it, you got frustrated and threw her under the bus, hoping that'd make your life better, without a second thought as to how it may potentially influence hers until it directly impacted yours. If you can't even own up to your selfishness then you'll just do it again in the future. You're still trying to excuse yourself in this case so I don't see any real self reflection going on.


[deleted] OP t1_j65en8c wrote



Adraestea t1_j65flan wrote

Okay, "someone" had to deal with them.

If these issues were to remain, and she had gotten better, would she have dealt with them given how she was the one that fixed things initially?

Are there HR resources at your company? I'm not saying to GO to HR, but maybe look at up and see if they have support for Long Covid and other health issues, as a lot of company actually do have those resources. Suggest them to her politely?


And sure, even if you WERE to have good intentions by speaking to her boss, does venting EVERYTHING sound like a good idea? Instead of venting about your boss, ask him explicitly to see if there might be more support available in the pipeline without looping your boss in the conversation. There's really no reason to speak about your boss to her boss unless you were trying to get her into trouble. There are multiple ways of presenting the message and you chose the worst one.


[deleted] OP t1_j65ged9 wrote



Adraestea t1_j65h61m wrote

Well, hope you learned that people aren't what they seem to be so you can be more cautious in your approach going forward at least.

Either way, it's not really advised behaviour to be that frank about your boss to her boss, it's a bad look in any case. You basically snitched on her, regardless of what your intentions are, and that's just not smart. I'm sure we've all heard of how the saying about snitches go.

Like I said, in the future, if this happens again and you genuinely want to help your boss, don't bring her up in the conversation. Express to him that you're doing your best but the department is lacking resources, and see if there might be alternative solutions involved without bringing others in the conversation. It's corporate 101 really.


gryphmaster t1_j682sfl wrote

At the very least you are only a little younger than me. I would absolutely hate to be your age and as naive and self centered as you. I cannot actually understand reaching that age and being like that. Please do not do this again to other people.


strawberrybannas t1_j66jbf3 wrote

In what ways did you think her supervisor was going to "make it better." Would he have put her in the same stressful position you are in now? I mean come on. Take some time to think. You didn't care at all about the consequences.


thrwayhairbortion t1_j67v0le wrote

In what way was he going to help?

Why do you need so much help doing your job?

What wasn't getting dealt with?

Be specific.


CharDeeMac567 t1_j659iqn wrote

Who told you not to, the shitty manager man? I've been through layoffs and I think it's kind of traumatic to be let go and then not have any interaction with coworkers if you were on friendly terms beforehand.


RogerPackinrod t1_j666ff3 wrote

>He never let me bounce ideas of him or vent or even raise a problem unless I had a solution.

This is how it should be.


negasonic1 t1_j66aeqz wrote

Oof . Dust of that resume


coffeefromhome t1_j66eamr wrote

You’re a shit person and you had it coming


KitKat_Nom t1_j67zus7 wrote

Okay, seriously… You have been at this company for 10 years and to me it sounds like you can’t even do your job without being told what to do. A performance plan doesn’t have to have all the details about how you improve, but it’s pretty clear that you need to suck it up and actually do your job rather than blaming other people for your incompetence in your position. You shouldn’t need someone to baby you when you have been somewhere for years.

Also the one person who was actually helping you got fired because you were upset you couldn’t vent to her anymore. How about showing some loyalty to the people that help you. Next time, maybe don’t befriend the boss and then screw them over. If you want to vent do it with friends or family away from work. If you are struggling with doing your job, maybe you should step down from your current position as from what I’ve read it’s too hard for you.

I feel sorry for your old boss because she got fired, but I also don't feel sorry for her as she no longer has to deal with your whining about how hard your life is.


Irondaddy_29 t1_j6c1y0e wrote

The minute she had something in HER life and wasn't all about YOU venting you backstabbed. You got what you deserve and hopefully learned a valuable lesson about backstabbing those who bent over for you.


Gary0aksGirth t1_j676igs wrote

I know everyone has already eviscerated you here so I won't beat a dead horse. If you have a good manager/supervisor that goes to bat for you and actually tried to raise your stock, you return the favor. NEVER complain to someone above them, behind their back. Sure it may have resulted in that person being terminated, but think of the other people you have to work with who will also have to shoulder more work and who in turn, lost a manager that they may have had a similar experience or relationship with. It just paints you in a bad light and also puts a target on your back for next on the chopping block. Don't trust anyone especially in an office or corporate type job, and if you do happen to find someone trustworthy that you can confide in, don't stab them in the back. Do your job as best you can, keep your mouth shut, and let things play out how they naturally would, don't add to the problem.


chaos021 t1_j67i8cp wrote

Someone who's been working in the world for 10 years shouldn't need to be told such basic stuff. It's like OP has just been coddled forever. Now his face gets to meet the steamroller we call "corporate life".


Gary0aksGirth t1_j67x87j wrote

I skimmed to the meat of the post so I totally missed the 10 years so that's my fault, but like I said, everyone else had already eviscerated OP so I figured I'd try to at least give some helpful advice for the future. You're right though, after 10 years this should have been known.


DLBaker t1_j67m445 wrote

The PIP is always your notice to get a new job. It's their way of covering their butts when the PIP period is over.

Update your Resume.


HysteriaVybe t1_j67p4pg wrote

I’m going to be honest reading your post and your comments just piss me off. You should like a child that can’t get it together and is looking for some sympathy. You whine to your original boss all the time but the one time you can’t do it well you back stab? The fuck is wrong with you. Then you go to her boss thinking that will fix everything? Corporations are soul selling, they do not care about anyone but money, any 13 year old could tell you that and you. You my friend sold your soul for a small inconvenience. I hope it was worth it. I read your comments and you say how you are worried and how you hope she is okay but I think you don’t. You are just plain selfish. If you did care why didn’t you ask her yourself or better yet why when she looked like she didn’t have the energy that you just straight up ask her and let her vent. There are so many choices you could choose but what do you do. You choose to write about it on reddit and whine in the replies. That’s what I hate the fact is that you truly don’t care. The reason you are doing this is to punish yourself because you want to be punish as if that would fix what happened. Please grow up and actually think about what you do


AcetoneNails t1_j6c5wp2 wrote

You need therapy and to learn boundaries. Never vent without making sure they have the capacity first. Vent to your friends, not your boss. Wtaf


lampShade_44 t1_j6d6bha wrote


24556001895 t1_j67auqa wrote

Break some by accident, the best thing to do look around and quietly find an exit. Btw, don’t be a pos. Be brave. You should contact your former boss and err is to be human.


Necessary_Jacket_701 t1_j67wgtd wrote

Wow someone helps you so much and the cforst sign of weakness you stabbed in the back. Wow. Think u getting what you deserve. Also she was a saint putting up with you venting to her.


Libertyprime8397 t1_j6818xw wrote

A real grade A a-hole here. If you get fired that’s on you and it’s a good thing. Hopefully you never have to get Covid or the long term side effects of it.


zweet_zen t1_j683ody wrote

Don't worry your ex boss will be fine. From your original comments on her means she is a good boss. You on the other hand deserve what you get, and have proven that you are not a good employee or person and will have a much harder time in your next job. Hope you learned a lesson, doubtful...


jekodama t1_j6f00b5 wrote

Honestly, you have no one to blame for yourself. You reap what you sow.


benim972 t1_j65j1ot wrote

Sounds like you need to learn impulse control and learn to bottle up the emotions you don't need others to see.


KitchenDismal9258 t1_j66nb7y wrote

You've just found out why your previous boss wasn't doing such a good job. She had a crap boss and now you have that crap boss.

Your old boss probably knew what was happening, she possibly doesn't even hold malice towards you. She's hopefully plotting to get back at your current boss (her ex boss).

Start looking for a new job. This place isn't for you. Let it fall without you there. Your current boss can only hide it for long and you'll be much better off not being there when it all implodes.


SpecialpOps t1_j684kby wrote

Your former boss probably did a lot of things that got her on her boss’ radar. They looked to you to confirm what they were suspecting.


SpecialpOps t1_j685ul7 wrote

I didn’t put this here to make you somehow feel better about what you did. I put this here because you clearly couldn’t see that you were being used.


Madk81 t1_j6hpjm1 wrote

  1. Even badmouthing someone isnt enough to get that person fired. The manager was going out, OP just gave the last pieces of evidence needed to get rid of her.

  2. I read this post on a website, not on reddit, since it was deleted. But it sounded like OP was feeling guilty when he wrote the post. Sure, he should feel a bit guilty, but we weren't there so the reddit tribunal should calm down and give useful advice instead. Such as: dont beat yourself up, we all make mistakes.

  3. Contact the manager and apologize. You shouldnt have to carry this with you to the grave. Its never too late to make amends.

  4. Look for another job. 10 years in one place is way, way too long. Youre not growing professionally when you stay for so long. Hell, ask the manager if you can follow her into her new job, saying youl be the most faithful employee shel have from now on.

  5. Change jobs and burn the building. At least figuratively, if you dont want to end in prison. Bad workplaces deserve the worst they can get 🤬


Zvifflemeyer t1_j6hqfh6 wrote

"He was the worse"

Please tell me that English isn't your first language.


Suitable_Matter t1_j6hy553 wrote

I think it depends a lot on the details of how your skip level boss asked, and what exactly you said. It's not reasonable to expect you to lie to a superior to cover for your boss. If you went out of your way to give them dirt that's another thing. The whole situation sounds really toxic. In a healthy organization your boss's boss would use the information you provided to help your boss get through this rough patch. Upper management at your company is probably terrible. You should get another gig, this situation is not going to get better.

What field are you in? Your old boss sounds like a superhero. I suggest you reach out to her, come clean, and apologize for your part in the situation.


AmateurCinephile t1_j6ikfjv wrote

Brother, you're learning a lesson right now. The former boss was too good and you got spoiled. Sucks to have to learn the hard way that most bosses aren't like that

You should apologize to her though. I know you feel too guilty to reach out, but you should still. Be the adult you should have been before and at least let her know that you regret it and miss her presence. Being fired messes with your self confidence, she needs to know that she was good


daveescaped t1_j67iexs wrote

Who thinks it’s a good aides to vent to their boss? A leader appreciates solutions from others, not problems.


HipposWild t1_j66eizv wrote

Lot of hate in these comments but a lot of people grow fast in corporate structure by being a sociopath. Sociopaths are incredibly good at making you think they're trying to help you before using you as a shield to do something they were going to anyway.

Her boss knew this was long covid issues. Didn't care. Wanted any excuse and probably asked leading questions till they got the answers they wanted.

My bosses boss kept asking me "right but I'm not ending this call till you give me stone improvement areas. Like if she knew more about xyz she'd be better equipped right?" Sure more knowledge will always make you better. He's definitely putting down that feedback as mine if I even hint at being agreeable. He was also putting that down no matter what and got where he did by shifting blame.


Puabi t1_j66yy31 wrote

At least you seem ashamed. Only good thing out of this ordeal.


chidarengan t1_j67bhhj wrote

Hey OP, you fucked up, you regreat it, I'd try to mend things with the previous boss. People are being very mean to you. Not cool


geminiwave t1_j6600jn wrote

Man people here don’t get it.

Should you have vented to your skip? Prob not. There’s better ways to approach. But there’s NO WAY your feedback was the sole reason your boss was fired. Not a chance. You said it yourself. Your boss had performance problems. Now if they had indicated medical problems then the company may be in legal hot water for firing her. But frankly she probably was not doing great all the way around and it was over for her. If it wasn’t your feedback it woulda been someone else’s.

And people don’t seem to understand OP was getting run over before she was fired. OP maybe was naive but definitely the victim. And now they’re bringing in people who are poor managers and ruining morale and performance even worse.

This is a blessing in disguise. Both you and your old boss are going to get better roles.

You might reach out and say that you think she was screwed over and now you’re being screwed over.

Others have said never to talk to the skip because they aren’t there to help you. This is false and immature. THIS SPECIFIC skip may be horrible but indeed a skip manager tends to try to get feedback to validate or invalidate things they already know. My skip asks me about my manager all the time. And my manager asks my directs about me. It’s supposed to be extremely constructive. And as long as you approach it this way, it will be.

Your skip was looking to be a hatchet man. You didn’t cause that.
