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Karl-Hevacheck t1_j8wdw4z wrote

Saved you a click: MD stands for Mesolithic Doggerland


ignore-me-plz t1_j8wwazt wrote

I thought you were joking until I clicked the link lmao


ApplesAreSweet t1_j8wx5be wrote

As an American I just assumed Maryland because everyone knows every redditor is also American


SwabbieTheMan t1_j8xco8m wrote

Well there probably was an Old Bay in Dogger land too


angryhobbit376 t1_j8xtlus wrote

Eyyyyy. As a Marylander, I was very confused as to why we are measuring area in relation to Maryland


imakepoordecision t1_j8zd1ty wrote

Same. Everyone knows that Rhode Island and Texas are the measurement states


HBPhilly1 t1_j9adzyi wrote

Arghhhh. As a non Marylanderer, I am more confused as to why you haven't been using the marylandtric system in relation to area. Like I bought home yesterday, nothing big just a 4 bedroom-5 bath bungalow and when I asked the size the realtor just said smaller than a Maryland but big enough for a few Marilyn's if you catch my dick. We laughed for a few minutes and then I paid cash and left the gas station with a smile.


thisimpetus t1_j90yco5 wrote

As a Canadian I also assumed this and for the same reason.

That and Americans really like to avoid comprehensible units.


Karl-Hevacheck t1_j8xo0hk wrote

dude I thought I was joking too, i only read the abstract xD


Plz_make_me_good t1_j8y3x7j wrote

What sort low class sow doesn't know that MD stands for Mesolithic Doggerland? Certainly not me. no sir


ChetManly91 t1_j8yy01s wrote

I’m from MD, but now I’ve gotta google Mesolithic Doggerland.


ScienceMomCO t1_j8zbud3 wrote

I figured this was the tsunami they talked about on the Time Team special


whiteridge t1_j8zynrn wrote

This comment deserves more votes than the post. Make it so redditors! ✊


my4coins t1_j8vsihm wrote

As an European i would prefer alternative examples to MD.


MyDadsGlassesCase OP t1_j8vsnnq wrote


Americans: How the hell have I meant to know what Cyprus is and what the size of it is?


dulce_3t_decorum_3st t1_j8vtzss wrote


  • Belgium
  • Moldova
  • Albania
  • Armenia
  • Guinea
  • Lesotho
  • Hawaii
  • Taiwan

Clanstantine t1_j8wrae2 wrote

As an American I need examples to be in how many football fields could you fit in it.


RuViking t1_j8xvfy0 wrote

As a non American, you should probably know that we all call 'soccer' Football and what you play is called soft rugby.


Clanstantine t1_j8y3505 wrote

As an American this doesn't help me understand how big something is. I am only capable of understanding sizes of things as compared to American football fields.


fbpw131 t1_j8vrsv6 wrote

mountain dew? massive d? mega dinosaur? McDonalds?


MyDadsGlassesCase OP t1_j8vrw0k wrote

I don't think MD is a recognised abbreviation of any of those

edit: in fact, as a Scotsman I can categorically state that MD has never been an abbreviation for the name McDonald. McD, yes, but never MD


MathBuster t1_j8vs801 wrote

So what does MD stand for? I'm confused too.


MyDadsGlassesCase OP t1_j8vsbdr wrote

Maryland. Sorry, I thought that was common knowledge. If you type in "What is the size of MD?" Google comes up straight away with that so I presume it was a recognised term. Obviously not. Sorry


MathBuster t1_j8vse8r wrote

As a non-american I would have never guessed MD stands for 'Maryland'.

I'll also need to pull up a map because I have no idea how big Maryland actually is.


BrokenEye3 t1_j8vsxo8 wrote

As an American, I'm right there with you. Where the fuck did the D come from? Why not, like, M... Y? Is there an MY? I don't think there's an MY.


jesteruru t1_j8vuprv wrote

Mentucky is already using MY. They had a bit of a spat with Myoming, but prevailed in the end


MyDadsGlassesCase OP t1_j8vtfap wrote

We're the same with postcodes in the UK. Edinburgh is EH but Croydon is CR, even though there is no CN. And Shetland is ZE (but, in their defence that's cos the council was called Zetland until 1975. Still confuses everyone nowadays though)


TantorDaDestructor t1_j8vztbz wrote

Good idea! I even started ticking off the M states- took me 3...what's even in Maryland except a separate district containing our Capital?


Church_of_Cheri t1_j8wbksg wrote

Baltimore, Annapolis and the Naval Academy. It is a very odd shaped state making it hard to imagine its size, going all the way out to West Virginia in a little panhandle.


BrokenEye3 t1_j8w1sdn wrote

Well Marylanders, for one. Maries? The Marylish? Marylingians?


SaintUlvemann t1_j8yqp14 wrote

You were right the first time. US state demonyms are mostly what you'd expect, with the exception of "Hoosier" for Indiana, and "Hawaiian" typically referring specifically to native Hawaiians.


MyDadsGlassesCase OP t1_j8vsj8m wrote

As a non-American I was very aware of that. Maybe a TIL in the making... :-D

edit: Cyprus, if that helps

edit 2: or 1 Gambia / Lebanon for Africans / Asians


dulce_3t_decorum_3st t1_j8vsnsc wrote

I’m guessing 75% of Reddit (which is 50% Americans) don’t know that MD stands for Maryland, nor how big the state is.


MyDadsGlassesCase OP t1_j8vst1c wrote

Well I've done it compared to Cyprus* for all us Europeans


Gisschace t1_j8wcujk wrote

For europeans you could use 'as big as the area between the UK, Denmark and The Netherlands'


dulce_3t_decorum_3st t1_j8vsx9g wrote

Thanks, I’m not criticising you by the way. Just adding my 2c about the reference.

Now, as an African, I’ll look up the size of Azerbaijan :)


EternallyFascinated t1_j8w4qpo wrote

Dont worry - just location based Google search results. That wouldn’t come up here - In Italy - for example. It was a very American centric example, but no harm done dude. People can look it up or just ask for clarification. But sometimes these things serve to show us our biases! This is coming from an American who’s lived abroad for 10+ years. Every country sees the world through its own lens, but America being the big bad cultural coloniser makes us sometimes think the whole world will understand ours.

Very interesting fact though - Have a great day!


DaleGribble312 t1_j8w9pko wrote

OP seems to be from the UK though. It's also appropriate contextual setting, given over half of reddit is from the US.


EternallyFascinated t1_j8wa0nr wrote

Oops, didn’t see that. Just assumed - which you know what that does! And yes, generally Redditors tend to understand the US based stuff anyway - whether actually in the states, from the US, or just accustomed enough.


iproblyrong t1_j8wb9q1 wrote

I googled “what is the size of M D” and a bunch of porn sites came up


_mister_pink_ t1_j8wi4x9 wrote

How would anyone know that MD stood for Maryland in the context of the UK?

It’s like me saying there was a flood in Ohio the size of skem. Would you have any idea what I was on about?


maracay1999 t1_j8vve9x wrote

Maryland is a pretty mediocre state. Not exactly a hotspot for foreigners.

NY/CA/CO may be easier.


coolflagtho t1_j8wbgbu wrote

We have the best state flag. What more do you want from us jeez


cayennepepper t1_j8vvpmn wrote

What the fuck is MD? Mcdonalds???


WarhawkCZ t1_j8w2jnz wrote

The article forgets to mention that the wave was about three quarts of doughnut per bold eagle fast.


il_duomino t1_j8wdqnp wrote

Christ who the hell can live through quarts and a bold fucking eagle?


Dolly_gale t1_j8ybida wrote

My attempt at summarizing:

There's a relatively shallow part of the North Sea between Great Britain and continental Europe. Some of this area was above sea level during ice ages, and that area is called Doggerland. It's believed to have been a full land bridge at one point, but it became islands as the sea level changed. Its largest island, referred to as Mesolithic Doggerland (MD), might have been inhabited until about 8000 years ago. Land slides in Norway probably caused tsunamis, including a major one called the Storegga tsunami. The tsunamis could have wiped out the inhabitants there or at least led to their decline.

The Doggerland entry on Wikipedia suggests that it isn't fully known how quickly the sea level changed at times.


LaoBa t1_j8w9xlc wrote

Netherlands was HUGE at the time!


il_duomino t1_j8wdt4y wrote

Make us great again !


IAmABurdenOnSociety t1_j8wwmrl wrote

NL is already making itself great again, by reclaiming the sea!


Snork_kitty t1_j8vun96 wrote

Has anybody mentioned Atlantis?


BrokenEye3 t1_j8vxo9j wrote

Someone has now.


Mammoth-Mud-9609 t1_j8x670c wrote

There is the possibility of the existence of an Atlantis type civilisation in the area of the North Sea called the Southern Bight. They could have existed from about 20,000 years ago till about 7000 years ago and have been taller and possessed superior technology to their neighbours. -


icerger1er t1_j91x68e wrote

If these Atlantis types were so advanced and smart why they all die?


Mammoth-Mud-9609 t1_j92v6sd wrote

Well in this case the land flooded, but they might not all have died some might have made it to land in boats, but the flood was so sudden many would have died. Nearly a quarter of a million people died in a similar event on Boxing day 2004 and they were even more advanced and that didn't save them.


Killawife t1_j8wfgsp wrote

Oh no! Not MD! Well, at least we still have Burger King.


AnthillOmbudsman t1_j8wmslc wrote

Looking at that image I guess that would have been a really bad time to be living on Doggerland.


LucienSatanClaus t1_j8wx1dy wrote

TIL is not an American subreddit. Please clarify what MD is.


kj3044 t1_j8wz0lz wrote

The state of Maryland on the US east coast. MD is the abbreviation for Maryland.

Oh, and it's not pronounced how it looks.


TacoCommand t1_j8ylbb3 wrote

Is this where the Welsh legends of "the drowned land" derive?

I remember this being a big thing in Susan Cooper's "The Dark Is Rising" series.


buttercupfitz t1_j8zvd02 wrote

Oh I forgot all about these books!! Thanks for that hit of nostalgia


ignore-me-plz t1_j8ww5f3 wrote

How big was that medical doctor now?


VeryJoyfulHeart59 t1_j8zbfsb wrote

Correct me if I have misunderstood, but I believe this article says that the tsunami caused the actual Mesolithic Doggerland (MD) to become submerged; not "an area of land the size of" it.


smgator t1_j8zhb0p wrote

Lol I thought Maryland too


sinmantky t1_j8vx0ig wrote

Still better than the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event


Alexander_Selkirk t1_j8xezor wrote

Would an event like that today have an effect on nuclear power plants?


Jahavan t1_j8y1nht wrote

Did it say how big the wave was estimated to be?


Sgt_major_dodgy t1_j8ychhb wrote

Everyone is focused on MD and yet my dumb arse was trying to figure out what the fuck BD meant in time.


moonshineriver t1_j8yei1r wrote

My MD isn’t even that big. He isn’t 6 foot and he isn’t fat.


413mopar t1_j8zfse5 wrote

I miss those days.


BrisbanePom t1_j90f73x wrote

I guess that’s why the area is referred to as Dogger.


chemistrychicken t1_j8z2mc9 wrote

Brain: MD? Mebraska'd? Michiganed? Mmmdddd? What state is that?