
Wintersbone7 t1_j9qfb50 wrote

Pink Floyd live in a Stadium performing dark side of the moon in entirety. Big stadium with surround sound speakers. Cartoon sized round video screen above the stage. And the song was “on the run”. On the screen was a film taken off from a stunt plane, which made the audience feel like they were actually flying. Unbeknownst to the audience, there was a wall cable that stretched from the back of the stadium to just above the screen. The film showed the POV flight going right into a cliff. Just as the plane was about to crash, a huge model plane came from the back of the stadium, flew over the audience right to the top of the screen where it was synchronized with the film. Pyrotechnics were set off right at impact. Scare the living shit out of me. Please note, this was a 1974 long before digital technology found its way into modern music.


Wintersbone7 t1_j6ok681 wrote

I really do dislike, unnecessarily, loud music or noises for that matter. I didn’t know that modern amps could access, distortion and feedback. Drums on the other hand, are just loud by nature. Most rock drummers never heard of brushes. A lot of them would benefit by studying the great jazz drummers. And not buddy rich.


Wintersbone7 t1_j6kpth3 wrote

That is a dilemma. I am a keyboardist, so I just have digital sound. Electric guitars need to be cranked up to a certain volume in order to get that traditional distorted sound that makes the electric t guitar so warm and at the same time gritty. Jimi Hendrix did not make history by turning his amp down.Carlos Santana would not get that singing sound if he were to play quietly. Eddie van Halen simply is a different guitarist at a lower volume. This is one situation where I would rather just put an ear plugs, then compromise the quintessential electric guitar sound.


Wintersbone7 t1_j6kow8k wrote

I’m getting fitted for hearing aids very soon. It was from teaching sopranos recorders to middle school music students that did the damage. Playing in a dozen or more rock bands didn’t help. Playing trumpet and jazz band next to a screech trumpeter didn’t help much either. But it’s the recorder is it did me in.


Wintersbone7 t1_irfr9uh wrote

Also,the byzantine empire appealed to the pope for help against the rising power of the “infidel“ muslim forces. The emperor would learn that wasn’t a good idea.