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benefit_of_mrkite t1_ja8gl0g wrote

So many summers scrounging up enough change for you and your friends to ride bikes to 7-11 for a slurpee and maybe some candy if you had enough left over


SimonArgent t1_ja8xdse wrote

Coke Slurpee was the best!


LADYBIRD_HILL t1_ja9iu7t wrote

Half coke and cherry


Stivo887 t1_ja9nvz5 wrote

I prefer to mix all the mfin flavors


Airp0w t1_ja9xzm2 wrote

Swamp water baby!


throwawayforyouzzz t1_jabvvje wrote

I’m from Singapore and used to get Slurpee from 7-11 when I was young. They don’t seem to sell it here anymore.


Aethelon t1_jabzeb3 wrote

They are still around


throwawayforyouzzz t1_jabzfk7 wrote

Which 7-11s?


Aethelon t1_jabzkec wrote

Most of the 7-11s i've seen still have slurpee machines. Maybe the one you went to had it down?


throwawayforyouzzz t1_jabzlum wrote

Oh I was asking so I could buy some. Maybe the ones I go to are smaller.


Aethelon t1_jabzp9z wrote

Even the small void deck 7-11s have them. Ofc, not the ones who are essentially newspaper stands. Or the standalone one in orchard road(didnt check.)


throwawayforyouzzz t1_jabztp7 wrote

Why must the one at my office be the one not to have a slurpee? I get sandwiches and coffee in the morning and wouldn’t mind buying a slurpee once in a while.


Bilore t1_ja9zlvc wrote

They do a slushee like this called the kamikaze at my local ice cream place.


TheInfamous313 t1_ja9djzi wrote

Has one last summer, for the first time in about 15 years. I can confirm, It still is.


Blastmeaway t1_jabfhn2 wrote

I out 3/4 coke slurpee and pop over to the soda fountain to top the rest off with some regular coke, keeps the slurpee good the full was through.


hannabarberaisawhore t1_ja9u2ag wrote

I kind of miss 5 cent candies. The bags and tongs and other people’s germs, but getting to select each candy.


ZerglingBBQ t1_ja8k6fc wrote

It was jack-in-a-box for me. But yeah yeah. Good old days


themagicbong t1_ja8s86g wrote

monsters, taquitos, and mw2 with the boys, that was my life every weekend for a hot minute. Shit I remember one summer the gang going on a rotation at everyone's house where time was just a suggestion and the main concern was entertainment 24/7 lol.

I dont even talk to any of those people anymore. Life is such a trip sometimes.


benefit_of_mrkite t1_jaa5136 wrote

We had them in Dallas but i never went much.

People would still talk about their horsemeat and kangaroo meat scare


i_hateeveryone t1_jaabbdz wrote

Yup, flipping sofa cushions to find the change to make the .99$ needed


Rdubya44 t1_jaa2xxy wrote

The kids in my neighborhood would get a large slurpee cup, put a pack candy inside and then fill it with slurpee. Pretty clever but they found out fairly quickly and cracked down on it.


monkeypox_69 t1_jabxx0g wrote

You put the candy bar in the slurpee before you fill it. 😉


smilbandit t1_jadl0p2 wrote

yes, and walking around looking at stuff as you drink most of it only to refill before paying and leaving. so many brain freezes that could have been avoided had I not been greedy.