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TwoFrontHitters t1_jaahax1 wrote

A testimony to Western maintenance discipline. Other countries can't keep 10 year old planes in the sky.


nphased t1_jaaldrw wrote

It helps to have a nigh infinite budget


adamcoe t1_jad4tgq wrote

A testimony to the military industrial complex and an essentially unlimited amount of money.

But sure, western maintenance, whatever gives you an old fashioned, red blooded American chubby


thewayoflurkings t1_jadt4dz wrote

Maintenance costs money for parts, inspections, and workers to perform it.


Anthologeas t1_jae4el1 wrote

While I agree that the MIC and the US defense budget in general is a financial hole that siphons money away from much-needed social programs, I think your position is misinformed. The institutional discipline at all levels of the DoD which would have been essential to maintaining these platforms over such an extended period of time is extremely rare. Look at the state of the Russian, Iranian, or Canadian militaries. Regardless of the money piped into them, each of these militaries have squandered their resources and even accept deficit equipment on the date of procurement.

Adding the endless budget to the mix just makes this feat more impressive as, unlike many of the aforementioned militaries, it would have been comparatively easy for the DoD to write the B-52 fleet off as obsolete decades ago in order to invigorate a new procurement cycle.


adamcoe t1_jadxv58 wrote

Rain your downvotes on me by all means, you know I'm right and every one is confirmation of it. Honestly it'd be a little sad if the world's most grotesquely funded military wasn't maintaining their stuff well, wouldn't it?