
EpicAura99 t1_jabn2tu wrote

…has a very good safety record, you’re right!

>the Marine Corps’ MV-22 Osprey has a lower mishap rate per 100,000 flight hours than the Harrier, Super Hornet, F-35B, or CH-53E Super Stallion.



EpicAura99 t1_iufaehp wrote

I don’t think you’re seeing their perspective. Obviously I’m not condoning any of this, but let me show how the conflict you explain here didn’t really exist:

1940s racists (and some today, of course) saw these undesirables more or less like monkeys. Maybe advanced monkeys. But monkeys all the same. Animals, subhumans.

It’s easy to see how someone doesn’t want to kill all the monkeys in the world, while also not wanting to treat them like people.

Again, this logic is awful, but it’s more consistent than how you portray it.


EpicAura99 t1_itdb9kx wrote

Yes I’m fucking aware. I was making a point. It’s the name of the team. Some mascots aren’t the same as the team name. Stanford’s team is the Cardinals, as in the color. Their mascot is this horrific looking tree abomination, which represents Palo Alto, the tree on the school logo, and the tree that the city of Palo Alto is named after.

These elements (while not always) can contain a great deal of local or historical symbolism.


EpicAura99 t1_itd8yh8 wrote

First of all, what I’m saying is, do Arsenal players and fans run around pretending to be a building that stores weapons? No? Well Seattle Seahawks players and fans don’t run around pretending to be Seahawks, moron.

Second, it’s called “culture”. I’m not sure you’re familiar with it. It means, “people in different places do different things”, and contrary to your belief, it’s an ok thing! We do things differently. Chill about it. It doesn’t affect you.


EpicAura99 t1_itatyly wrote

Petty hill to die on: stop giving American soccer teams boring ass European names. LA Football Club? At least call it soccer club, for one, and for two be more creative. What’s the mascot, a club sandwich? Lame. Any elementary schooler could come up with a name a billion times more fun than this creative equivalent of a ream of printer paper.
