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PiryatJos t1_j859ln1 wrote

Please elaborate. I sincerely ask in good faith. Are you disagreeing because you're right wing or a centrist?


StrikeMePurple t1_j85dh2a wrote

I don't think they are disagreeing, more pointing out how quickly some Redditors jump on the left wing right wing thing.

It's something pretty well ingrained in American culture nowadays and a lot of us around the world find it pretty disgusting and cheap to blame every problem on the opposite ideology you believe.


trav0073 t1_j85jamj wrote

He’s disagreeing because it’s a ridiculous statement, lol. Nauru collapsed because it’s a small island nation whose entire economy was based on mining a limited resource which, when depleted, completely wiped out the economy. Blaming its failure to modernize on Right Wing “idealogy” (it’s spelled “ideology”) is laughable - they failed to modernize because they live on 8 square miles in the Pacific Ocean and never had a sustainable economic model to begin with, and because the bulk of those resources were absorbed by larger, more powerful nations (as has happened repeatedly for all of time).


Skinnie_ginger t1_j85ac5l wrote

Personally I identify as a moderate, which is why I disagree. The answer to every problem in society does not lie on one side of the political binary we’ve created. To say “this is what happens when right wing ideology wins” is such a hilariously wrong and oversimplified statement and a very stereotypically Reddit thing to say. Sometimes right wing policy works and sometimes left wing policy works, that’s government. But one side isn’t evil and society destroying and the other side isn’t sunshine and rainbows. Both have inherent flaws and strengths.


EdibleBatteries t1_j85bxxs wrote

Such black and white thinking, assuming everything is a shade of gray. The “both-sides”ism is toxic and effectively advocates apathy and anarchy as reasonable solutions, which is silly, and legitimizes propaganda that sets the goalposts to where this “middle” is supposed to be.

Edit: this post just made its way to r/bestof


hamsterwheel t1_j85zt4c wrote

But the original statement was so sweeping and downright stupid that it's worth criticizing. It's like pointing out failed communist states and saying "tHiS iS wHaT hApPeNs wHeN tHeRe aRe lEfT wInG gOvErNmEnTs."


Skinnie_ginger t1_j85ceq2 wrote

I’m sorry I don’t know if I get what you’re trying to say.
