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hamsterwheel t1_j85zwtj wrote

Because we have never seen economic implosions from left wing governments...


tyty657 t1_j85hqg3 wrote

Yep no successful right wing government has ever happened..m


Skinnie_ginger t1_j8555oq wrote

Reddit moment


PiryatJos t1_j859ln1 wrote

Please elaborate. I sincerely ask in good faith. Are you disagreeing because you're right wing or a centrist?


StrikeMePurple t1_j85dh2a wrote

I don't think they are disagreeing, more pointing out how quickly some Redditors jump on the left wing right wing thing.

It's something pretty well ingrained in American culture nowadays and a lot of us around the world find it pretty disgusting and cheap to blame every problem on the opposite ideology you believe.


trav0073 t1_j85jamj wrote

He’s disagreeing because it’s a ridiculous statement, lol. Nauru collapsed because it’s a small island nation whose entire economy was based on mining a limited resource which, when depleted, completely wiped out the economy. Blaming its failure to modernize on Right Wing “idealogy” (it’s spelled “ideology”) is laughable - they failed to modernize because they live on 8 square miles in the Pacific Ocean and never had a sustainable economic model to begin with, and because the bulk of those resources were absorbed by larger, more powerful nations (as has happened repeatedly for all of time).


Skinnie_ginger t1_j85ac5l wrote

Personally I identify as a moderate, which is why I disagree. The answer to every problem in society does not lie on one side of the political binary we’ve created. To say “this is what happens when right wing ideology wins” is such a hilariously wrong and oversimplified statement and a very stereotypically Reddit thing to say. Sometimes right wing policy works and sometimes left wing policy works, that’s government. But one side isn’t evil and society destroying and the other side isn’t sunshine and rainbows. Both have inherent flaws and strengths.


EdibleBatteries t1_j85bxxs wrote

Such black and white thinking, assuming everything is a shade of gray. The “both-sides”ism is toxic and effectively advocates apathy and anarchy as reasonable solutions, which is silly, and legitimizes propaganda that sets the goalposts to where this “middle” is supposed to be.

Edit: this post just made its way to r/bestof


hamsterwheel t1_j85zt4c wrote

But the original statement was so sweeping and downright stupid that it's worth criticizing. It's like pointing out failed communist states and saying "tHiS iS wHaT hApPeNs wHeN tHeRe aRe lEfT wInG gOvErNmEnTs."


Skinnie_ginger t1_j85ceq2 wrote

I’m sorry I don’t know if I get what you’re trying to say.


[deleted] t1_j83om1e wrote



Sauerkraut_n_Pepsi t1_j83r6il wrote

Another way of looking at it is that they were strip mined to death by corporations based in AUS and NZ using outsourced labor, who left them in the dust once the resources were extinguished.

Doesn’t really have anything to do with right wing ideology this is just what big nations do to smaller nations on every continent every day all the time


Stalinbaum t1_j841plk wrote

Native right wing population said migrants stole their jobs so they kicked them out and had massive labor shortage sounds eerily similar to the bullshit being spewed by rightie tightes in America.


Sauerkraut_n_Pepsi t1_j844q5w wrote

The island has been mined into a desert.

The economy crash had a lot more to do with the over reliance on a single export and it’s exploitation by mining companies than the anti immigration sentiment. The labor could obviously be replaced, since 90 percent of the natives are unemployed. The problem is there’s no jobs anymore. There’s nothing to extract


Minus-Celsius t1_j86hc71 wrote

The author wrote it that way deliberately for American audiences.

Nauru's economy collapsed because it relied solely on mining phosphate, and then it ran out of phosphate.

The reactionary policies were a result of the economic crisis. Arguably they exacerbated it, but the author is describing events taking place in 2015 as though they caused the crisis. Phosphate mining had ceased by 2005 and Nauru has no other exports or industries and an uneducated workforce that isn't competitive internationally.


Cariboudjan t1_j842nj5 wrote

Right wing = bad thoughts 😡🔪😈

Left wing = good thoughts ✌️🕊️🌈

Is this actually how people think?


followingAdam t1_j84cfy4 wrote

Based on the track record, yes. Right wing mindset may make sense on paper, but it is cancerous to humanity.

Statistical, mankind and nations improve under left wing ideas with healthy touch of right wing financial conservatism


Papi__Stalin t1_j85w1hs wrote

That's not true. "Statistical" (presuming you mean statistically), there is no way to prove which political wing has improved people's lives more.

The greatest leap forward (in terms of GDP, population levels, technology and life expectancy) was the industrial revolution (even Marx congratulate the bourgeoisie on their achievements that exceeded any civilization before in such a short time in the opening of the Communist Manifesto). This did come with massive exploitation and wealth inequality but in most people's opinions the good of it outweighs the bad.

Furthermore, right wing ideas have provided stability to nations for centuries (look at Burke and his ideas of slow gradual reform or Hobbes and his idea of the role of the state).

Left wing governments did guide the Western world to social democracy which has been successfull so far but seems to be slowing down.

But left wing governments have also been responsible for Maoism, Stalinism, The Red Terror, etc. Whereas right wing governments have been responsible for Fascism, Pinochet, Nazism etc.

There is no clear winner between the two political wings. It's almost like you should look at each policy independent of origin and debate it on its merits (regardless of its left wing or right wing) rather than viewing everything through partisan lenses.


Kimbo_94 t1_j853og7 wrote

Yeh i can believe that is statistically true, but personally I think moderate right-center parties are almost equally good as most Centre-left parties, but I also believe that far-left governments are usually better than far radical-right parties are a lot worse. These are just my personal opinions though.


followingAdam t1_j84cgq9 wrote

Based on the track record, yes. Right wing mindset may make sense on paper, but it is cancerous to humanity.

Statistical, mankind and nations improve under left wing ideas with healthy touch of right wing financial conservatism


arsenix t1_j83qlny wrote

Idealogy drives policy. Anti immigration policy is right wing stupidity and kills economies.


Sauerkraut_n_Pepsi t1_j849do3 wrote

The comment at the top of the thread, and yours, make it appear that the anti-immigration policy single handedly tanked the economy. While it didn’t help, in actuality it’s only one of like 100 reasons why Nauru is in bad shape.

There was no foresight or even the slightest consideration of long-term effects when the mining companies decided to strip the island barren. They knew that it would render the island uninhabitable once there were no phosphates left. This is why a relocation was proposed.

Also worth noting: the government of Nauru placed the money that it earned through mining in a trust to support the citizens once this inevitably happened. Due to mismanagement and a series of bad investments in real estate and Musical theatre, the assets in the trust were wiped out and basically bankrupted the government and its national bank ceased to exist.

So yeah anti immigration policy. Among many many other failures.


Your_Ebb_And_Flow t1_j866afg wrote

If by "left wing" you mean corporate left, eager to depress wages with a large mostly uneducated workforce, then yes, we can both agree that the right wing method is better. Globalist scum


[deleted] t1_j83qsd0 wrote



Potatoswatter t1_j83vz5h wrote

That’s what the Nazis said, and they claimed Socialism in their party’s name, but we don’t call them leftist do we.


ObjectiveTraffic7050 t1_j84unre wrote

Isn't a common feature of right-wing economics to support a country opening it's resource extraction industries to foreign investment, under the theory that doing so will raise the living standards of its people who wouldnt otherwise be able to profit from their own resources due to lacking the wealth needed to do it themselves?

I'm not blaming the "right wing" for this by the way: back in 1967 I'm sure only a few losers who were jealous of others' wealth were suggesting that too much mining, too fast, could permanently damage the island's economy. We know better now.
