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idontknowjackeither t1_j9pzv1s wrote

I don’t think many professionals ever used Polaroid for work. Maybe for something like a photo booth at an event where you get a quick souvenir snap, but 35mm was the professional film of choice in this era for most purposes.


adamcoe t1_j9qghxt wrote

Many, many, many pros would shoot test shots on Polaroid at shoots to get a baseline idea of what stuff would look like. Without the instant feedback we have now with digital, you had no idea what it would look like after developing so it was incredibly common to shoot a fair number of Polaroids to help gauge light levels and balance, etc. Obviously very few of these were used for anything but a rough reference, but pro photogs of the time would definitely have had plenty of polaroid film around.


RoadToSurfdom t1_j9qt5az wrote

Also, polaroids were used in industries like film and fashion, where you wanted to take a reference photo of something - like, documenting what clothes actors are wearing so they wear the same at the shoot tomorrow.