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thelandsman55 t1_j8ol1aw wrote

I imagine they're more or less in an endless cycle of:

  1. The economy is good, stockholders want growth, work on making the pizza better to grow the customer base.
  2. The economy is bad, stockholders want profit/cost cutting, find cheaper suppliers for ingredients even if it hurts pizza quality.

Pizza is a simple enough dish to make that the quality of a normal pizza is basically just the quality of the ingredients summed together.


ruiner8850 t1_j8otkk4 wrote

I just don't get it because to me there are so many better pizzas out there at different price points. For instance I wouldn't say Little Caesars is good pizza exactly, but it's cheap and decent enough if you aren't spending a lot of money. All the other cheaper chains are better than Domino's. Then there are the slightly more expensive chains which are what you pay for and therefore are slightly better.

My city isn't very big, but we actually have multiple different local pizza shops which are really good and taste better than any chain. They are all more expensive than Domino's or Little Caesars though. Some are about the same price as the higher end chains while others are significantly more expensive, but also absolutely delicious.

There are simply so many better options that I can't understand when anyone chooses Domino's. Maybe the one around me is just ran terribly and they are using substandard products and techniques, but if what I had last time is their normal pizza it's absolutely disgusting. I could probably be convinced to try it again if it was free, but if it tasted the same I wouldn't even finish the slice.