Landlubber77 t1_jar3ao1 wrote
In a way they're still very much involved in the club.
eegocentrik t1_jarbfau wrote
..... and we're unsuccessful.
DigbyChickenCaesar11 t1_jarnlno wrote
So the writer of Sherlock Holmes and the guy who played Sherlock Holmes were ghost detectives?
bolanrox t1_jas1lr6 wrote
he also really really believed in Mediums, Psychics, Magic and fairies. to the point it ruined his friendship with Hodini.
Mammoth-Mud-9609 t1_jas7f0k wrote
Arthur Conan Doyle believed that the Cottingley fairies were real.
BrokenEye3 t1_jassi84 wrote
To whom shall you address your call?
Splyce123 t1_jar023j wrote
Not at the same time though. Unless they communicated after death, which would make sense.