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OldMork t1_jeaohz8 wrote

still today in some parts of asia pale skin = rich because dont have to work outside.


phumeonce t1_jeb8udh wrote

There's even a caste system is some parts.


dr-dog69 t1_jebu4mf wrote

There are caste systems in most of the world, even America and the EU


Daniel_The_Thinker t1_jec3mrx wrote

Do not compare America's classism with an actual caste system. They are different animals.


mh985 t1_jecytpf wrote

>They are different animals.



Beowulf_98 t1_jedrbkn wrote

Yet again, everything shit in the world has to be compared to America


katsu_kare_raisu t1_jebrn7f wrote

It's still largely true.

But what's odd is when light skinned Asians get racist on other poorer Asians for dark skin and forget that they also get as dark under the sun.


Daniel_The_Thinker t1_jec3q8j wrote

It's not racist, it's colorism


wallabee_kingpin_ t1_jecot0o wrote

That's true in Japan and Korea, but it's not true everywhere. In India and some other South(east) Asian countries, there's more than one ethnicity, and some of them different in their typical skin color. I don't know why people from the US think dark-skinned places only have a single ethnicity.


goldflame33 t1_jee2ci8 wrote

Skin colors being based on different ethnicities is immaterial to the post, unless you have examples of cases where the people of lighter skinned ethnicities do not look down upon the people with darker skin because of their color. I would bet that an Aryan Indian parent would prefer their child marry another lighter-skinned Indian than a darker skinned one, even if it's normal for that ethnicity to be darker


Daniel_The_Thinker t1_jecprgp wrote

... I know?

Different ethnic groups aren't really different "races" either though.


wallabee_kingpin_ t1_jecr6js wrote

If you want to be pedantic, there's no such thing as "race" in the first place. It isn't a scientific concept, can't be defined, and can't be tested.

Ethnicity is a real thing though, and in places like India, you have (for example) dark-skinned Dravidians in parts of the country and then light-skinned Aryan-descended people in the north.

These are people with historically different cultures who mostly stayed within their ethnicity, leading to them having stereotypically different skin colors -- what we could call "race" in the US.


Daniel_The_Thinker t1_jecuy7w wrote

I know, that's why I put race in quotations. There are plenty of ethnic groups in Europe that can be visually told apart, no one considers them different races.


WholeSilent8317 t1_jed31vp wrote

actually i seem to recall a certain someone talking about the aryan race


Daniel_The_Thinker t1_jed8e07 wrote

Which doesn't really exist as he imagined it at all.

Dude it's literally Hitler, no one got into that shit as much as him and his ilk. The average European did not give it the much thought.


Snizl t1_jedooqw wrote

You are making an argument that discriminating based on ethnicity instead of race isnt racism than proceed to say that races dont exist, while also ignoring the fact that literally all of europe has hated jews pretty much since they existed until the end of ww2, and anti semitism was very fashionable during that era anywhere in europe...

What exactly is your point even?


Daniel_The_Thinker t1_jeec6j9 wrote

Race is not a meaningful category in a scientific sense but it certainly exists in people's minds as its own category that comes with its own set of prejudices.

You can have an abused ethnic group within a majority race, case in point, Jews suffer from anti semitism but they would've been allowed to drink from white only water fountains because they were perceived as white.

It's really not that complicated, I don't understand your confusion to be honest.


Snizl t1_jeei7f4 wrote

Im not sure if there ever were "white only" water fountains in europe. Just because one ethnic group is discriminated against less than another one, doesnt mean one is considered a "race" and the other an "ethnicity". You are just coming up with random definitions on the spot to suit your narrative and i am quite confused about what that narrative is even supposed to be, especially since you use race and ethnicity interchangeably in other comments and suddenly make a distinction here.


Daniel_The_Thinker t1_jeey21o wrote

At no point did I ever use race and ethnicity interchangeably. And the water fountain is called an example. Another example, after the Spanish reconquest, Jews and Arabs were exiled from Spain. Jews were allowed to stay if they converted to Christianity, but Arabs were not allowed regardless of their religion.

Ive been clear enough, you're being willfully ignorant if you can't understand these simple concepts.


eugene20 t1_jec9dkn wrote

What's odd is when light skinned humans get racist on other humans for dark skin and forget that they would also get as dark under the sun after a few evolutionary cycles.


rlaxton t1_jedm59w wrote

Not so sure of that. Skin cancer is not likely to kill you before you can breed. The mutations that give me white skin and blue eyes are not going to just breed out. I would need to mutate a melanin gene back or breed it in.


PublicSeverance t1_jeebny0 wrote

> get as dark under the sun after a few evolutionary cycles

Roughly 100 generations is the quickest it can happen.

That's 2500 years.

For context, in 500BC the global population was 100 million, the iron age had not yet started, none of the Abrahamic religions would exist for another 4 centuries, Rome had just become a republic but was still just a random unimportant little city, Buddha was born and Pythagoras discovered how to talk about triangles.


Barbarossa7070 t1_jecuz97 wrote

Happens in the US among Blacks, especially in New Orleans. I was in a sociology class in college and a light-skinned Black classmate from New Orleans said that her mom would get mad if she went to the beach because she would ruin all their family’s hard work over the years to get light. All our jaws were on the floor.

And apocryphally, there used to be street parties in certain Creole neighborhoods in New Orleans where they’d tack a paper bag up to a tree and if your skin wasn’t at least as light as the bag, you couldn’t stay.


Pfeffer_Prinz OP t1_jedippk wrote

yeah people don't know about the Creole community in New Orleans — historically they were a separate class from Black and white, sort of in between the two on the social ladder. White people didn't treat them as equals, since they were definitely POC, but they were treated wayyy better than Black folks.

Their ancestry wasn't just African, it was also French & Spanish (and Indigenous). This gave them lighter skin & hair, but also access to generational wealth (and a sense of privilege). So they owned lots of property & businesses, held political offices, had functioning schools, hobknobbed with white society, and filled large neighborhoods. They were a solid middle/upper class for a long time.

So they saw themselves as distinct from the Black community, who were largely descended from enslaved Africans (so they were dark-skinned & poor). Creoles, like any people with privilege, generally shat on the class(es) below them. As James Baldwin said, that's "the price of the ticket" if you want to join the upper classes.

(ofc there are exceptions. Many Creoles treated people below them with respect & solidarity)

New Orleans Creoles still exist, of course, but not as a separate class like they used to be. They've been absorbed by both the larger Black and the larger white communities, but that wasn't so long ago — many people alive today were born into a distinct Creole class. Many of the prominent Creole families are still around today, and hold lots of sway.

(source: lived in New Orleans half my life)

EDIT: I'm not talking about the general Creole people, but the specific Creoles of color in New Orleans. Outside the city, the word "Creole" means something different


Comte_Hugues t1_jeepqut wrote

Which is similar to the Coloureds of South Africa who are still separated from Whites and Blacks to this day.


gdj11 t1_jecyi1m wrote

Buying body wash here in SE Asia is tough because almost every single one is skin whitening. It takes a while to read all the labels and finally find one that’s not whitening.


pekingsewer t1_jedlmf5 wrote

Wow thats. Now I know if I ever need to buy soap in parts of Asia to do some research about the brands lol.


DigNitty t1_jec8wn6 wrote

I was the only non-Korean on a tour bus once. We were taking it through the he countryside to a shrine. As soon as the big group got on, all the curtains were closed the bus was completely dark, and I could not see outside.


808ocd t1_jed7ok1 wrote

the beauty industry is flooded with "whitening" potions and shit


MissO56 t1_jedompa wrote

yup.... and it IS shit! people should enjoy and be proud of whatever hue their skin (or anyone else's) is! 👍👏❤️


afrogirl44 t1_jedq17p wrote

I’d be rolling in the money then because I can make nurses concerned with how noticeably pale I always am.


Hhic416 t1_jeg2jdi wrote

I used to work with a Korean guy as a landscaper and he always wore long sleeves, we asked why and he said “so my friends don’t think I’m poor”