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firemonkeywoman t1_jdy8sji wrote

I admit I did not read the whole article as closely as I should have. But I do wish we could all love each other and work together to make things good for all humans. Why must we kill over gold or diamonds? Why must we kill and enslave others for cobalt and chocolate?


WholeSilent8317 t1_jdzf849 wrote

do you own anything gold? it's in your electronics. do you eat chocolate?

there's a demand. someone will meet that demand, no matter what.


firemonkeywoman t1_jdzfyjs wrote

Yes I know. But why war and slavery? Why do we chose this?


Ullallulloo t1_je06u5u wrote

I mean ultimately it's just greed and a lack of love for your fellow man. People just want what other people have or can do for them.