
t1_jdy8sji wrote

I admit I did not read the whole article as closely as I should have. But I do wish we could all love each other and work together to make things good for all humans. Why must we kill over gold or diamonds? Why must we kill and enslave others for cobalt and chocolate?


t1_jdwzbm0 wrote

This makes me so unbelievably sad today. I love music. Music brings me great joy. Why can't we all get along. Why can't we share? Why can't we enjoy others music without violence? What are they losing? Everyone can make music. Music belongs to none of us it just is.


t1_jas38mw wrote

No. This nose bleed would not stop. I had random nose bleeds, several a year, and this one just would not stop, so after an hour my mom took me to the ER, they cauterized the offending artery/vein, I still get nose bleeds now and then but haven't had one that wouldn't stop since that incident. I have had issues with my blood not clotting like it should all my life, I have had two blood transfusions an picked up a nasty hep c infection from that. Great fun.


t1_j2522j9 wrote

Imagine doing a situp every three minutes, but you hold it at halfway for three minutes then relax, now do that for 12 hours straight with no break, and each sit up gets closer together, and each hold time lasts longer, and no matter how much you want to stop your body won't stop.