adamcoe t1_jdu4u8v wrote
and apparently a high performance hydration solution as well
thechickenmoo t1_jdu67j8 wrote
🎵 Spider goat, spider goat, does whatever a spider goat does! 🎵
Fluffy_WAR_Bunny t1_jduzild wrote
Using the refined milk of genetically modified goats to stop warships by tangling up their propellers?
Amazing science.
Procyonid t1_jdv3ny6 wrote
Can he swing from a thread?
No he can’t, he’s a goat.
AmnesiaInnocent t1_jdv8exy wrote
Spider-goat, Spider-goat
Making threads for your coat
Creates steel, any size
Also has too many eyes
Look out!
Here comes the Spider-goat
32bitFullHD t1_jdx42ax wrote
I sang this while reading it
Jemmerl t1_jdxb982 wrote
Do YOU want to be the one who has to milk the biters?
AtTheLeftThere t1_jdyjndv wrote
It would be an honor. Imagine having to catch them by using a stun grenade
tlw31415 t1_jdz23b2 wrote
Fuuuuck investing in this company. Sounds too good to be true and from a scalability or tangible product perspective, it is.
Fool me once spider goats shane on you.
AtTheLeftThere t1_jdtnjgr wrote
Why do we not have this in Factorio?!