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OSCgal t1_isze9x0 wrote

For a friend of mine, it was that one eye was nearsighted and the other wasn't. Her brain just started ignoring input from the nearsighted eye.


funtomhive t1_it04wdg wrote

I forgot the actual name but it was misdiagnosed as a lazy eye (or the like) for years until a specialist figured out what was actually wrong. The surgery was for muscle correction. And that eye was also extremely near sighted while the good eye had perfect vision. Not anymore, though.


Greene_Mr t1_it0myow wrote

How exactly was the muscle corrected?


funtomhive t1_it0ptwo wrote

It was cut and reattached. I don't remember many of the details except that the stitches would dissolve on their own after the surgery and I was blinking out pieces for a short while after.


Greene_Mr t1_it0pwzr wrote

Did it actually correct your vision, though?