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massivebasketball t1_ira0p9c wrote

What kind of training does it take to be a nun? And what is considered a productive nun, like what do they do


Ponceludonmalavoix t1_ira3qm0 wrote

You need some real wrist dicipline to effectively slap someone with a ruler. Just like tennis, you can't just pick it up at 40 and become a world-class athlete.


Gestopgo t1_ircc74g wrote

Back in my day I could slap a school aged kid over them there mountains....if only Mother Superior would have put me in the game!


niamhweking t1_irb8yrx wrote

Same for the priesthood, it's 6 years minimum. Alot of it now is to give the person and the order time to really be sure it is the right decision. They don't want to rush anyone or ket anyone make rash decisions.

Depending on the order the nun is they can be in a teaching order, a missionary order etc, so there is training. Enclosed orders might be different but nuns that are out in the community, doing hospice care, working with those in need, certainly require training