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brkh47 t1_irbfq6t wrote

I always thought she was much younger than him but I see there’s only a seven year difference. Hope Ringo recovers well. She was eighteen years old when she attended the Shea stadium concert.

Talking about musicians being affected by Covid, was sad to read that Chris Cross had it really bad, was temporarily paralysed.

Cross said doctors diagnosed him with Guillain-Barre Syndrome, a rare neurological disorder in which the immune system attacks the nerves, that they believed was caused by his having Covid-19.
“It was the worst 10 days of my life,” Cross said. “And I couldn’t walk, could barely move. And so it was certainly the darkest of times for me, you know? It really was touch-and-go, and tough.”

>.. Cross said he continues to struggle to recover and said both his speech and memory have been affected and he has transitioned from having to use a wheelchair to now walking with a cane.

I know it’s often said about people, but to me he’s really such an underrated talent.


Fresh2Deaf t1_irbte8u wrote

Is that why he started wearing his clothes backwards?


tplgigo t1_irbh319 wrote

Yeh, if your immune system is bad or compromised, you become a target for Covid, flu or many other immune based maladies.