
brkh47 t1_j5kpkhp wrote

>5. Also, I have means of arriving at a designated spot through mines and secret winding passages constructed completely without noise, even if it should be necessary to pass underneath moats or any river

What does he mean by this? He builds tunnels without noise?

>And if any of the above-mentioned things seem impossible or impracticable to anyone, I am most readily disposed to demonstrate them in your park or in whatsoever place shall please Your Excellency, to whom I commend myself with all possible humility

Such a nice little paragraph. Highly confident in demonstrating his abilities but commending himself with all possible humility.
Well balanced, Leo.


brkh47 t1_j3mwjbq wrote

>MethodologyThis original survey of 1,135 parents around the United States was conducted by Main Street Children's Dentistry & Orthodontics using a Google Forms survey.
>Parents of children aged 1-17 were asked how often their children have various sugary snacks per week including cookies, candy, donuts, pastries,ice cream, ice pops, cake, pie, and beverages such as fruit juice, chocolate milk, soft drinks, sports drinks, and energy drinks.
>The averages for each state are based on the responses of at least 20 people who have identified as parents.

Twenty people per state. Is that a big enough sample?


brkh47 t1_j2tck2p wrote

Except for The Power of the Dog, directed by Jane Champion, the other three were all Paul Thomas Andersen directed films. It seems the two are old friends, have been working together for over a decade and are “one of the most beloved composer-director pairings working today.”


brkh47 t1_j2abk30 wrote

Some years back, when my sister and her friend were chilling in our back yard, my dad caught them with a pack of cigarette. I think my sister and her friend were around 14 yrs old at the time. When my dad questioned them, the friend said the cigarettes didn’t belong to them, it belonged to her brother, Iz. When he asked, well then why wasn’t the cigarettes with Iz, she responded, “Because Iz doesn’t have pockets in his pants.”


brkh47 t1_j23iw6m wrote

If you’ve put 4 years or more into training for an event, with blood sweat, tears, and lots of pain, I think it takes a lot for that person to deny himself the opportunity.

I’ve seen it with regular runners, who’ve trained for a race, and then only about 4 months or so, who go on and then get the flu or a cold try and to dose themselves with all kinds of medication, just so that they can still participate. Dangerous but they do it.


brkh47 t1_ixzg1to wrote

My first reaction. He looks more like Al Capone.

That said, recently heard an interview with James Cameron and he said he almost didn’t cast Kate Winslet as Rose in The Titanic. The reason being she’d been making a name for herself in period pieces and was being called Corset Kate. He thought if he cast her, it would be “lazy casting“ and was going to go for someone like Gwyneth Paltrow. Had no idea there was such a thing as lazy casting.


brkh47 t1_iu50zvd wrote

Reading through both their short biographies here, Ness seems to have had the sadder life., simply because he had the greater potential. He was married thrice, his law enforcement career seemed to have gradually withered, he was involved in trying to cover up his own drink and drive accident and ‘In later years, Ness struggled financially; he was nearly penniless at the time of his death, with his role in bringing down Al Capone having been largely forgotten.’


brkh47 t1_irbfq6t wrote

I always thought she was much younger than him but I see there’s only a seven year difference. Hope Ringo recovers well. She was eighteen years old when she attended the Shea stadium concert.

Talking about musicians being affected by Covid, was sad to read that Chris Cross had it really bad, was temporarily paralysed.

Cross said doctors diagnosed him with Guillain-Barre Syndrome, a rare neurological disorder in which the immune system attacks the nerves, that they believed was caused by his having Covid-19.
“It was the worst 10 days of my life,” Cross said. “And I couldn’t walk, could barely move. And so it was certainly the darkest of times for me, you know? It really was touch-and-go, and tough.”

>.. Cross said he continues to struggle to recover and said both his speech and memory have been affected and he has transitioned from having to use a wheelchair to now walking with a cane.

I know it’s often said about people, but to me he’s really such an underrated talent.