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Landlubber77 t1_itx282i wrote

Getting a guy with wooden teeth laid is the only commercial your product will ever need.


[deleted] t1_itx3tuj wrote



idyl t1_itxc1xi wrote



bolanrox t1_itxgmyi wrote

The dude was legit jacked for the time too


Mr_Abe_Froman t1_itzzom1 wrote

He's awarded as an "Outstanding American" in the National Wrestling Hall of Fame.


bolanrox t1_iu02qg3 wrote

Lincoln in in there too, though he actually was a wrestler / brawler


JesseFilmmakerTX t1_itz8ws3 wrote

Also didn’t live in his mom’s basement, have a neckbeard, or a layer of Mountain Dew and Doritos around his gut.

Probably took as many baths as most redditors, though.


JazzRider t1_ityzxkj wrote

What are you wearing, George?…..Caswell-Massey #6, Baby!


BiBoFieTo t1_itx1lzj wrote

I've never heard anyone say they want to smell like the founding fathers.


ShalmaneserIII t1_itz4fde wrote

Sure, sure, but JFK didn't do too badly, right?


bolanrox t1_iu0iio2 wrote

I like to think that the last thing that went through his mind, other than the bullet, was that he was wearing the same Cologne as Washington - Red.


BonelessLucy t1_itwy8p8 wrote

I wonder what it smells like. I can never tell when they just explain it. I have to be able to smell it.


Sleuthiestofsleuths t1_itxqiv4 wrote

It smells great!! Clean and subtle, not chemically overbearing like a lot of men's cologne (and it does come in a cheaper cologne version). I got it for my 22 year old son and he loves it! The company was founded in the town where I live and the Caswell family built my house!


mcmcplok OP t1_ity4qzb wrote

Got to try it out! Thanks for the info!


BonelessLucy t1_itzakdc wrote

Oh wow that's awesome! I hate overbearing cologne. Perfume too. I can only imagine how old your house is if the Caswell family built it!


Katy-Moon t1_itwyja3 wrote

$225. That must smell really good!


[deleted] t1_itxdrc3 wrote



Katy-Moon t1_itxojps wrote

Thank you for bringing up 4711. I haven’t thought about it in years - My mother used to wear that. It was in her regular rotation.


makk73 t1_itxz3pf wrote

I feel like everyone’s mother and/or grandmother/grandfather wore it at some point.

There is a Guerlain that smells a lot like it as well, forget what it is called.


KingDuderhino t1_itz14p3 wrote

Fun fact: the term "eau de cologne" is named after the city of cologne where 4711 was founded. There is even an older perfume company in Cologne (Johann maria farina).


LooksAtClouds t1_ity4pa8 wrote

Maybe I'm just easy, but I love 4711. I'm allergic to anything musk-based and the lightness of 4711 is very appealing.


Ythio t1_ityu9x8 wrote

$225 is quite a sum but is not crazy as far as French perfume go. A very basic Channel No 5 that smells like your grandma costs 75-250 bucks depending on bottle size, and that's before import taxes and stuff


JHinExile t1_itx2o4f wrote

It’s been relabeled for contemporary men as Sex Panther.


makk73 t1_itxxyd1 wrote

Bits of real panther in it...


InflamedLiver t1_itx1zxw wrote

I figured they'd smell like unwashed ass and wig powder.


mcmcplok OP t1_itx4h21 wrote

Or maybe Washington was giving Lafayette a subtle hint? 😯


notevilfellow t1_itxrtvm wrote

The description actually sounds pretty nice, but that price point. Are there any similar scents out there for less?


Justfundk t1_itz0yp4 wrote

>>This edition of Number Six was re-mastered in 2018 by perfumer Laurent Le Guernec, who selected floral and herbal varieties true to the types of oils available when the fragrance was originally created and combined these with newly available molecular captures, distillation, and blending techniques.

So not the same one. A new "remastered version"


SophiaLamb t1_itz6574 wrote

Farina 1709 is a wonderful cologne as well with a long history as well.


sjk8990 t1_itznpuq wrote

And those guys are all dead. You can keep your death stank thank you very much!


MrThird312 t1_itxizpp wrote

Hard pass if it comes in a spray applicator, way too much comes out with those