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Real1KCB t1_iug2k8v wrote

Kansas still has weird Sunday liquor laws. I never understood it. Are they worried about people getting smashed before going to church?


autisticshitshow t1_iug3cyd wrote

Getting smashed INSTEAD of going to church


DJDaddyD t1_iugdgfd wrote

Just chug that communion wine and get smashed IN CHURCH


HardCounter t1_iugsblq wrote

The get angry because the wine is actually grape juice and smash THE church.


Real1KCB t1_iugcwpg wrote

Probably right. So why do they stop selling at 8pm, instead of 11pm?


autisticshitshow t1_iugi4y5 wrote

I don't know that's why I left Kansas (born there but sure as fuck won't die there). My guess is the same reason Baptists won't have sex standing up


RobtheNavigator t1_iuiti0s wrote

"You know what makes me forget how badly I need a beer? Having someone preach at me for a few hours"


Vicith t1_iuggc3c wrote

At the very least a sizeable junk of kansas residents live near the missouri border, just hop over to Missouri if you want liquor on sunday lol.


TazzyKC t1_iugiiyy wrote

There's a Kings liquor over at State line and a bar named Ugly Joes just a few feet away. Both lots were packed with KS plates every Sunday.


bobnla14 t1_iugzyk4 wrote

Back in the 80s liquor agents for Kansas used to hang out on 103rd or 75th street and would catch people driving back from Missouri liquor stores. But that is lawyer/big business owner neighborhoods. So someone told them to cut that stuff out quite quickly.