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obsertaries t1_iy3w4do wrote

A few years ago I talked to a fisheries science PhD and he explained that despite being an absolute staple in many countries, we know almost nothing about tuna. They show up near the surface in some common places and they can be caught there, but then they go deep underwater and come up somewhere else. No one can track where they go; it’s all guesswork, even after doing it for thousands of years.

Edit: not knowing anything about them also means that you only know when you’ve overfished them when it’s too late.


dongasaurus t1_iy436ut wrote

We definitely track where they go, maybe not where they are when they’re deep underwater, but individuals can be tracked as they migrate between eastern Canada, Europe, gulf coast, etc.

Edit: some of these tags also measure depth, so it’s pretty safe to say we know where they go.


Remorseful_User t1_iy5eue5 wrote

They go down. OPs Mom told me so and she's an expert on going down.