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qpwoeor1235 t1_iuqa31u wrote

The other two thirds is from your mom taking a dip in the ocean


MuhnYourDog t1_iuqqwcd wrote

Wouldn't that be volume displacement or measured in deadweight tonnage (DWT)?


Puzzleheaded-End853 t1_iuucs4i wrote

A comment like that shows you are definitely a liberal. No tolerance for any opinion except your own and when someone says something you don't agree with you resort to childish insults.


marto17890 t1_iuqdhzf wrote

Still caused by greenhouse gases though.


on_surfaces OP t1_iusvx0v wrote


Kind of fascinating that the tone in these comments skews toward some weird climate change denial.


AniMeu t1_iurlwy9 wrote

The problem is, that it will take a few 100 years for the temperature equilibrium to balance out again. The oceans will keep rising for a few 100 years even if we stop CO2 now


xxdotell t1_iuqdsdq wrote

It's sad how many people think there's only one reason for the rise in sea level. Of course warming oceans expand as do all physical objects. High school physics.


cutelyaware t1_iuqkhuf wrote

Warming ice makes it contract


CarelessHisser t1_iuqnulf wrote

Relative to displacement the expansion of the ocean is much greater than the contraction from ice. Especially with how much ice we've lost so far.


cutelyaware t1_iuqpzzc wrote

You miss the point. I'm saying that not all physical objects expanded when heated, which you should have learned in high school physics or chemistry.


GoGaslightYerself t1_iuqtbng wrote

And then there's land subsidence, like in southeast Virginia, where a bolide created a crater deeper than the Grand Canyon and bigger than Rhode Island, into which all the land has been sinking for the past 35 million years...


_CMDR_ t1_iuqrp2z wrote

That number will be dwarfed by ice melt by 2050.


SpottedPineapple86 t1_ius1eay wrote

Ice melt is not really a contributor... the ice is already in the water.

Put an ice cube in a cup, then fill it up until the water is just about to spill over. Wait awhile, then observe that after the ice completely melts, the water still hasn't dripped over.

This is a concept known as "displacement"


whipfinish t1_ius7lp5 wrote

Most ice in question is not yet in the water.


SpottedPineapple86 t1_iusn918 wrote

The water will take the place of where that ice is.


whipfinish t1_iuswinr wrote

Antarctica is the highest continent on earth. Over half of that ice is more than 50 meters above current sea level, and it will be lifted even higher as the ice load is reduced during large-scale melting. The Greenland ice sheet creates almost no ice shelves and nearly all of its ice is over 50 meters above sea level.

The ice is not yet in the water.


beetrootdip t1_iutixh1 wrote

Yeah, but god will make it rain over Greenland and make the water stay in a 50 m tall shape.

And I really hope this was obvious - /s


_CMDR_ t1_iusaq0k wrote

Most of the ice that is melting is over land.


deck_hand t1_iusanne wrote

The person you replied to didn’t say sea ice melt. Land ice melting and then flowing into the sea is likely what was meant.


Barachan_Isles t1_iur209w wrote

Just wait until our sun dies and becomes a red giant, that's gonna cause some fun thermal issues too.


TechnocraticWardance t1_iur2dlc wrote

I've already been waiting 40 damn years for it! Can we please get on with the show?!


NorthantsBlokeUK t1_iurj5ai wrote

We'll have already fucked the planet WAAAAAAAYYYY before the sun has a go!


Flash635 t1_iur7udc wrote

Ah, that explains the what I thought were exaggerated estimates of sea levels rising.


lardgsus t1_iut6sru wrote

If we raise the temp 10 more degrees, can we lower the salinity of the water enough to drink it? :)


RichJuggernaut8008 t1_iwgl47h wrote

Florida will be under water by 2023! Raise the alarm! Sell the beachfront properties!! Eat the bugs!!


GuybrushThreepwoot t1_ius81q9 wrote

But why did the obamas buy a waterfront mansion, we will never know. For the rest of us living inland, the world will drown in 8 years, or something like that.


online_jesus_fukers t1_iush9ts wrote

Because its strong economic thinking. Why spend the extra to buy a private island when in 10 years you'll have one at half the cost