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Grinderiny t1_ixzk194 wrote

It's also called 'type casting' , where an actor is cast in a role because they've made a name for themselves in a similar role before. The Rock I feel is typecast a lot. One of the things where he wasn't was Ballers.


FatherKerosene t1_ixzti6d wrote

Is that the one where he was a drug addict muscle head with Markie Mark?


Grinderiny t1_ixzx1mp wrote

No Ballers was an HBO show where he played an ex football player with a pain killer addition who becomes a financial manager with the bald guy from Hot Tub Time Machine.


HPmoni t1_iy0rn3v wrote

He's Dwayne Johnson!!!

Black Adam is just how he sees himself.


TatteredCarcosa t1_iybs097 wrote

Also Southland Tales where all the characters were consciously cast against type. The Rock plays a cowardly, anxious actor. It's a terrible movie, but the casting and performances are interesting. Also notable is Jon Lovitz plays a scary, casually violent corrupt cop.