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rpm319 t1_iw1845z wrote

I’m from Hudson county and I’ve called this area the sardine can for years. Whenever I’m driving back, I come over a hill, I see the NYC skyline (and chemical factories) and I know I’m close to home.


Desperate-Peter-Pan t1_iw1oigu wrote

I commute from Bergen to Jersey city for work. 16 miles takes over an hour some days.


ruralnorthernmisfit t1_iw2cbmu wrote

Dang… where I live, miles and minutes are an interchangeable term.


j-random t1_iw34g4j wrote

Sigh, I miss driving in the Midwest.


CutterJohn t1_iwa2r3h wrote

Except in the midwest minutes are 10-15% lower than miles.


xentropian t1_iw3oqz4 wrote

If only there was some better way to move from point A to point B, by combining multiple cars all into a single unit, with passengers sharing the same cabs. Hmmm. One can only dream.


Leading-Garage-8749 t1_iw3rde7 wrote

Guess you haven’t heard of NJTransit? New Jersey can have all the trains we want and still have chronic traffic issues because of local traffic.


osi_layer_one t1_iw3qito wrote

went to high school in Bergen county(don bosco) but traffic isn't much better in smaller cities...

living in Milwaukee for the last couple decades, my current commute is 19 miles and takes between an hour and an hour and fifteen minutes each way. if I did the same drive outside of rush hour? ~25 minutes.

for a city of 500k people. christ, a good portion of my commute is eight lanes wide.


beanpoppa t1_iw651nx wrote

I used to think traffic was bad in NJ, and then I had a job in Atalanta. Much worse.


rewardiflost t1_iw189wu wrote

Hey neighbor! Born in JC in the 60s, and never very far from there.