StoopidFlanders234 t1_ix3vfvh wrote
Another interesting fact about people with Williams Syndrome…
They often have a super-nice and friendly personality and they smile, talk and laugh a lot.
brokenwound t1_ix3via6 wrote
ganjsta t1_ix3wedm wrote
Okay okay calm down. Nobody was speaking bad
StoopidFlanders234 t1_ix3zab5 wrote
Did you mean to reply to someone else?
I don’t understand the logic of your reply to my post.
jamescookenotthatone t1_ix44m6i wrote
Uh... I have central heterochromia, so my mind jumped to me having a syndrome. But it turns out this is unlikely, for anyone else with central heterochromia, don't be alarmed,
>Central heterochromia may be a rare condition, but it’s typically benign. In most cases, it doesn’t affect vision or cause any health complications. However, when central heterochromia occurs later in life, it may be a sign of an underlying condition. In this instance, seek medical attention for a possible diagnosis and treatment options.
Micow11 OP t1_ix44u87 wrote
And I believe they have perfect pitch
Micow11 OP t1_ix453ys wrote
I'm stupid. My apologies.
Micow11 OP t1_ix45bbi wrote
biffylou t1_ix45tzf wrote
The logic is that those are literal symptoms of Williams syndrome.
[deleted] t1_ix47uz9 wrote
Warrenwelder t1_ix5hbni wrote
But my God, the cookies...
ChevExpressMan t1_ix5kykk wrote
Is OK, here a link from YouTube.
Mumbleton t1_ix5p8yg wrote
There was a /r/bestof comment from forever ago from a dude who had a sister with Williams syndrome. I think he described her as “a golden retriever who could text”.
Alternative_Effort t1_ix5y9hr wrote
They weren't trying to suggest otherwise -- People with Williams Syndrome are _really really really really_ nice. Abnormally nice. Golden Retriever nice.
In a just world, they would be "normal" and we would be the ones with a disorder.
TurbulentLily t1_ix6kh72 wrote
Thank you for sharing the photo. That’s super cool!
bucko_fazoo t1_ix3uwxe wrote