
Mumbleton t1_j6jta49 wrote

I’m a big King fan and enjoy both his giant novels and his short story collections. For the intro to one of them he compares a story to dating. A novel is a serious relationship. Maybe it’s a good one, maybe it’s a bad one but it’s deep and there’s commitment involved. A short story is a kiss in the dark. Maybe it’s amazing and meaningful, but it’s also fleeting.


Mumbleton t1_j21rht1 wrote

The meatball sub at Stachowski's in Georgetown is one of the finest sandwiches I've eaten in my life. Haven't been to Bub and Pops in years but they do good work over there as well.


Mumbleton t1_ixz1br7 wrote

The movie and the book share a title and the name of the main character. That’s it, and that’s FINE. I love the movie as a dumb Arnold movie. I enjoyed the book as a dystopian romp. It has been probably 25 years since I read it but it does say interesting things about how the media controls the narrative. The ending is of course super dark and feels problematic after a certain event which happened long after the book was published.


Mumbleton t1_ixqw4dd wrote

I've never expected a ride home when visiting a friend, that's just really imposing. This is especially true because driving and parking in the city is a pain in the ass. It can be different in the burbs where it can be reasonable to ask for a ride to/from the metro.


Mumbleton t1_ix5p8yg wrote