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t1_ivnxhox wrote

No, not "who knows".

The "Atlantes" are a group of ancient Libyans* who lived in the Atlas mountains. It's not a city, it's a tribe, their history is well established and their descendants are still around today.

The Atlantes are completely unrelated to the mythical Atlanteans. They have literally nothing in common except that their names sound vaguely similar. This is about as close to fact as anything can be.


^(*Libya referring here to all of North Africa West of Egypt, not just the modern country)


t1_ivnyb68 wrote

In platos story one of the sons of posieden, Atlas is " made rightful king of the entire island(atlantis) and the ocean (called the Atlantic Ocean in his honor), and was given the mountain of his birth and the surrounding area as his fiefdom."- from Wiki.

So.. I mean... the king of atlantis is named after the mountain range and ruled over the area as his fiefdom.. in platos story... but if you're sure there was no connection and no inspiration whatsoever drawn from it Okey fuckin dokey.