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AnthillOmbudsman t1_j0vqhi2 wrote

Pretty weird that the Sixty Minutes article on Wikipedia has a large paragraph on the stopwatch but it says nothing about a switch to CGI. I was curious what date they changed it, as CGI back then was kind of a big deal.


onliwenimtrunk t1_j0vtykc wrote

And they’ll replace you with AI too, let this be seen as a warning that even a stop watch is not safe. Well, it’s safe at a museum, but not at its tv job.


RustyShackleford1122 t1_j0x3hfp wrote

60 minutes has been on for decades lol

Why wouldn't it have been a real watch


activeseven t1_j0zqdi8 wrote

Did people think it was a fake stopwatch or something? I mean, this show started in the 60’s. Way before computer graphics.


frone t1_j125wlo wrote

They had to film it more than once?