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t1_j0un6s7 wrote

I take it you’re not from the US?

We’re taught about this all of the time here. Levi went west to sell supplies to the gold miners. He tried to sell canvas for tents and a customer said that he’d buy pants made out of the material if they existed. Boom…Levi’s are born.

Heck…I’ve heard the tale brought up at jobs before even


t1_j0uvl31 wrote

I’m lucky enough to live in a part of the US where our regional culture doesn’t revolve around blue jeans, alcoholism and spousal abuse, sorry my bad


t1_j0ux8mw wrote

Hey, any reason would do to let your hate and stereotypes out, right?


t1_j0uxbld wrote

Sheesh…I live in Massachusetts and our regional culture doesn’t revolve around those things either.

Lol…we do revolve around education though, as well as not being douches that would write “sorry my bad” without realizing that made them look like douches


t1_j0uy4ne wrote

I have a feeling the troll enjoys any kinda of reaction. Good or bad


t1_j0wj0dw wrote

Bro you post in r/Philadelphia. The fuck do you mean your culture doesn't revolve around alcoholism and violence?


t1_j0vuesp wrote

I’m sorry where the fuck did that come from? I learned it in California where it happened, and it was framed as the story of how the Californian Gold Rush and ensuing immigration led to innovation by those immigrants in creating brands we recognize and value today, like Ghirardelli chocolate and Boudin Sourdough Bread. It’s an immigrant success story and emblematic of the best case scenario of what America has to offer. I’m sorry you don’t think that’s important just because some of the people who wear these pants are shitty, but those people probably aren’t teaching that they were invented by a Jewish immigrant either.


t1_j0w78ah wrote

You sure? Because you sure are judging people blindly just like someone who liked all those things would.

Or did your tiny little ego get hurt because you learned something you didn’t already know?