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VoiceOfLunacy t1_j1bfsfn wrote

Last year, I was shopping for insurance, and the person said something like "our photo shows 3 cars parked in front of your house, and you didn't say you own a Volvo." Well, that's because I dont fucking own a volvo, and why the hell do you have pictures of my house? They also asked who made the rail on the steps in my backyard (which you cant see from the street).


CrossRook t1_j1cevrl wrote

may not help now, but if you go onto google streetview to your place of residence, you can hit "Report a problem" and request a blurring of your house. they may request some proof of you living there but being google they probably already know that and I'd rather have my house be a blur for zillow to scrape if that's that case anyway.


Eldudeareno217 t1_j1chnp1 wrote

As the Streisand effect goes, that won't do much for anyone who's less than passively curious. The second you blur it you attract more attention. Still fucking shady and predatory practices on their part.


root_over_ssh t1_j1dt1g1 wrote

Was the conversation over the course of several days? Usually they'll send someone for property photos and measurements to get an estimate and for rebuild value within a day.