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JpnDude t1_j1c5aqs wrote

OP forgot Michael Collins. :-(


mattevil8419 t1_j1c8zup wrote

It would be funny if Collins didn’t have to do it because he didn’t leave the craft (read the article though and he did).


The_Critical_Cynic OP t1_j1cates wrote

That would actually make sense in a way, given that ships at sea are treated like being part of the country whose flag they fly. I wouldn't consider it any different with the ship here.

And u/JpnDude is right. I forgot about them. Sorry.


Swedishboy360 t1_j1dh5us wrote

Imagine knowing that people will know you for thousands of years as the third dude on apollo 11 nobody remembers the name of


zachzsg t1_j1jt94l wrote

And in many ways he had the scariest job out of all of them. Literally flew around the moon alone for a day and there were times he was outside of radio contact. His job was possibly the most isolated and alone a human being has ever been lol. His autobiography is a good read


squeevey t1_j1bzqs4 wrote

I mean technically correct. You left the country and are returned to the country. Why wouldn't you have to fill out a customs form.


finnlassy t1_j1c5hhz wrote

I just assumed “leaving the country” only applied to horizontally, not vertically. 😂


SolDarkHunter t1_j1dqsx0 wrote

By international treaty, the Moon is officially neutral territory and cannot be claimed by any country.

Therefore, going to the Moon is leaving the country, and upon returning, you must fill out the appropriate paperwork as you would in any other case.


SMIDSY t1_j1c4txn wrote

It was probably bureaucratically easier to just have them fill out the forms rather than to make exemptions. Plus it's funny, which is a good enough reason on its own.


iTwango t1_j1cidwu wrote

I like to think CBC has a "department of funny" with permission to make decisions based solely around how funny they are


LeStiqsue t1_j1d0orp wrote

Filing that TDY voucher with finance must have been the worst thing in the world.

"TDY location not approved."

"TDY lodging not on the list, member must pay out of pocket or attach amended orders authorizing variations."

"TDY transportation via Saturn-V rocket not authorized, mileage only authorized for the first 1000 miles."


KindAwareness3073 t1_j1c2rtg wrote

Someone just wanted a souvenir.


The_Critical_Cynic OP t1_j1c443n wrote

I'd rather have a moon rock.


The_Critical_Cynic OP t1_j1e5moo wrote

Sure, if you steal it from NASA. I'm not talking about stealing it. I'm talking about grabbing an extra one for me while I'm up there.


CmdrJorgs t1_j1e8kfx wrote

Too bad: since it was done for work, the rocks would still be considered NASA's intellectual property. At least NASA didn't make them sign an NDA (as far as we know...).


The_Critical_Cynic OP t1_j1ehah1 wrote

Who's going to tell them? You? I wouldn't be surprised if there's a moon rock tucked in a box somewhere that no one knows about.


HotChildinDaCity t1_j1fynvv wrote

He also stole dinosaur bones. Maybe he's an evil villain.

"... his role in the Moonrock caper, as well as a separate offence of stealing dinosaur bones from a museum in Utah."


barath_s t1_j1dq5at wrote

It was a bit of a joke ..


Buzz Aldrin filed for travel reimbursement, driving his personal car to the houston air force base, flying to florida in a government owned vehicle, then to space and back for a kajillion miles in a government. owned vehicle..

The travel voucher

He got the personal car miles reimbursed.

There's also the Apollo13 rockwell /northrop towing charge story.. READ IT.


Mandrijn t1_j1cnhx5 wrote

Where did they land though? Wouldn’t it be likely they came into the country from a different country after landing in the ocean?


WinoWithAKnife t1_j1d8a7s wrote

Pretty sure (aside from the Shuttle era) that all astronauts land in the ocean, and American ones are picked up by American ships.


Kevin_Wolf t1_j1e67s2 wrote

The middle of the Pacific where they were picked up by Navy ships. Then they got brought to Hawaii.


OldMork t1_j1dnn9z wrote

makes me wonder where is the vertical border of US, is it where space begins? Is the a lower border too, if someone dig in from below?


PenQuince t1_j1dkylt wrote

My inner bureaucrat is deeply disturbed by not being able to see what form this is. Was a general declaration still called a 6051-b even then or what… honestly surprised a special customs form wasn’t drafted to accommodate future moon travel and used here


Irishpanda1971 t1_j1eax53 wrote

Gotta make sure they aren't bringing in any of that moon weed.


clichesaurus t1_j1emdpi wrote

This is how NASA figured out that the astronauts forgot to pack the car. Whoever owns the moon must have charged a huge cleaning fee


ixkamik t1_j1f7m8a wrote

Did they declared the millions of dollars worth of cargo brought from the moon. Did they threw away their food upon entrance..


nathanielhaven t1_j1dgm23 wrote

Did they have to take off their shoes when going through security?


Bigdawwgggggggg t1_j1dmsht wrote

If you listen to their interviews about it it’s because they were paid so little and they tried to claim mileage from the government


starrpamph t1_j1c0sq1 wrote

God bless 🇺🇸 and all of our pointless, "make work" paperwork


ExtonGuy t1_j1e3p2v wrote

The job isn’t done until the paper work is filled out.