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tomistruth t1_j0b4wj0 wrote

USA isn't really that old, ya know. There are still living tortoise older than the USA. Now if you could open a bank account under your pets name, imagine how much wealth it could accumulate with interests. Somebody wake me when they legalized banking for pets. I'm busy starting a turtle school. Will call it Mutant Ninja Turtle School.


foofoobee t1_j0cy5f2 wrote

The oldest living tortoise is about 190, so no, not older than the US.


tomistruth t1_j0cyefz wrote

That's just the oldest human fed tortoise. Lots of big guys living in the free world.


MuthaPlucka t1_j0c2vj3 wrote

Mutant Ninja Turtle Highschool.

… and now I’ve got that Godamn theme song stuck in my head.