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t1_j1ai8ik wrote

I'll have to try this one. in canada, we have one called pudding chomeur aka poor mans pudding, it's the cheapest cake you can make cooked with caramel (water/brown sugar) under it.


t1_j1ajq05 wrote

I love wacky cake...unless you don't get the baking soda distributed right and get a nasty bite of pure soda.


t1_j1aqnoo wrote

I'm clearly spending too much time on YouTube and TikTok, since I've known about wacky cakes for a bit now.


t1_j1arecd wrote

Reminds me of Korean "army base stew," a mixture of cheap local ingredients and US Army ration canned beans and SPAM that emerged from necessity after the Korean war but is still apparently enjoyed today.

My dad grew up on rations during and after WW2 in Britain, and had a life long nostalgia for stuff like Marmite, which was introduced as a nutritional supplement to compensate for the poor wartime diet.


t1_j1ayrwq wrote

What's with that Wikipedia article? "Let's not show the finished dessert, let's just show a pile of ingredients".


t1_j1ayv6a wrote

This has been my standard cake recipe forever and I never knew it was called this. It's remarkably good and stays moist for days. I prefer it day 2 after the topping has crusted up a bit.


  • 2.5 cups all purpose flour
  • 1.5 cups sugar
  • 1/2 cup cocoa
  • 2 tsp. baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp. salt


  • 2/3 cup vegetable oil
  • 2 Tbsp. cider vinegar
  • 1 Tbsp. vanilla
  • 2 cups cold coffee


  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 1/2 tsp. cinnamon


  1. Mix dry ingredients in an ungreased 12x8 inch baking pan

  2. Make three wells in mixture. Pour oil in one, vinegar in one, and vanilla in one.

  3. Pour in coffee and stir all with a fork until well mixed. Spread in an even layer.

  4. Combine 1/3 cup sugar and 1/2 tsp cinnamon; sprinkle half over batter.

Bake at 350 for 35 to 40 minutes.

Sprinkle remaining cinnamon sugar over hot cake.

Cool for 15 or so minutes before cutting.


t1_j1b8e1g wrote

I want to say you can make these in the microwave. Look up “mug cake” — they’re not bad!


t1_j1bhvhe wrote

Very delicious cake. Baked one for my niece when she was 7 and she said it was the best cake she'd ever had.


t1_j1btsg6 wrote

So they were vegan. What's so big about that? That's fucking easy. and tastes better.


t1_j1c0ypz wrote

hmm, i can't find my recipe at the moment, but this looks almost exactly like it. I've seen recipes that just use water in the sauce, but mine used milk (this one has some cream) and i find that really adds to the texture of the sauce. there's also many recipes that use maple syrup if you wish to fancy it up a bit more.

for me the important thing is a recipe where you first put the sauce in the baking pan and carefully pour the batter on top so that the sauce bubbles up into the cake as it cooks.


t1_j1ccygl wrote

You are absolutely correct, that should be tsp. I made a transcription error. Fixed now, thanks.

(At least this is now the recipe as written. I don't think I've ever measured out for cinnamon sugar and probably go harder on the cinnamon than this... not cup hard though.)


t1_j1w7a11 wrote

there is also a mug size version:

5 tbsp all purpose flour

4.5ctbsp sugar/sweetener

2 tsp unsweetened cocoa powder

1/4 tsp baking soda

pinch of salt

1/2 tsp vinegar

1/4 tsp cooking oil

4 1/2 tbsp water

mix dry ingredients in large mug

make 3 depressions in dry ingredients

Pour each liquid in each depression

Pour water over all dry ingredients and mix well with fork until well mixed and smooth

Put in microwave for 2 minutes on high or until done. put fork or knife in the middle.