TrunkerSpecialist OP t1_j0jwliv wrote
I thought so too! Had never heard about this.
Riegel_Haribo t1_j0k0347 wrote
If you can't spot it in the picture, the sculpture is a little figure of person.
Conceived by astronaut David Scott. Approved for flight and placement by NASA, even in disallowing the figurine to be encased in flammable plastic.
Controversial, only because the guy that made it then tried to sell copies off the publicity. And yet he went ahead and sold them in 2019 anyway (at a now-broken gallery website that now lets you add 10000 to your cart for zero euros.)
And then signed up astronaut Al Worden to help shill them.
AmnesiaInnocent t1_j0l662y wrote
Also controversial because the astronauts placed it face-down to symbolize the astronauts who have died, while NASA (when commissioning the replicas) wanted it upright to symbolize "humanity rising"
dicky_seamus_614 t1_j0o864j wrote
BuT tHe MoOn LaNdInGs WeRe fAkE
Grandpixbear1 t1_j0jwdue wrote