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A40 t1_j1qj9eu wrote

Because if the 'acceptable levels' were zero, there'd be nothing but soft drinks and pop tarts to eat.


Dumpster_Sauce t1_j1ss78l wrote

pop tarts have ground up beetles on purpose to make the carmine, on top of the accidentals


AnthillOmbudsman t1_j1t762h wrote

Seems like some Pop Tarts do indeed have carmine color on the label, but I really don't understand how it's possible to farm small bugs in the quantities needed (tons) to supply a giant food factory. Imagine if you had to go out and collect 10 tons of ants.

Something about this doesn't add up, and Googling around it seems the Internet is overflowing with anecdotal information on this where everyone is getting their info from vague sources.


kkyonko t1_j1vjjrr wrote

> but I really don't understand how it's possible to farm small bugs in the quantities needed (tons) to supply a giant food factory. Imagine if you had to go out and collect 10 tons of ants.

I don't see why not, we kill billions of chickens every year. I would think farming bugs would be much easier.