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falconuruguay t1_j5spsqn wrote

Ah yes..."Joyride"....

Eleanor was WELL known to be bisexual, and kept a mistress (known to everyone as her "personal secretary") at Hyde Park near the end of the war, in a separate guest house on the premises, just like FDR was doing with his secretary, at another guest house there too.

She also had affairs with several men too.


ContinuumGuy t1_j5ukczb wrote

IIRC, the Roosevelts, while they did (at least at one point) genuinely love each other in a way, more saw their marriage as a political partnership and didn't really care who they were having sex with so long as it was kept private from the press.


KingRhoamsGhost t1_j5swq92 wrote

Humans are so strange


EndofGods t1_j5ts6y7 wrote

Agreed. Once in psychology, though, it gets simple and still messy somehow. Humans are strange and gross, but understand we have little to compare us to.


notquiteright2 t1_j5uzsu9 wrote

If you look at the behavior of every other primate species, monosexual monogamy is pretty strange indeed.


GypsyV3nom t1_j5v6f0v wrote

Interestingly, the only group of animals where monogamy is widespread and common are birds.


fortune_cell t1_j5vpdkx wrote

Most birds that are socially monogamous are not also sexually monogamous.


fulthrottlejazzhands t1_j5uc2gn wrote

My uncle Gary once commandeered a blowup raft with his traveling companion and confidant Gabriel (also know as "Sarge") off Fire Island. A joyride it almost certainly was.