
GypsyV3nom t1_jcaorwb wrote

If you've already taken radon mitigation steps, you're good. The big danger from radon is inhalation, you really don't want any radioactive decay to occur inside your body. The radioactive dust can likely be removed through simple cleaning activities, and isn't that dangerous if it remains outside your body. Radon's decay chain exclusively produces alpha and beta particles, which your skin can easily block.


GypsyV3nom t1_j9tsldx wrote

Reply to comment by Zchwns in Why is urine yellow? by nateblackmt

Taste and smell have some pretty insane under-the-hood processing that occurs in the brain. There are only about 400 different receptors in the human nose, but the different responses of those 400 receptors to odorants allows humans to detect over one trillion distinct scents. And that's just for humans, who have a relatively poor sense of smell compared to other mammals


GypsyV3nom t1_j9awfn7 wrote

The "acid" in amino acids refers to the carboxylic acid on the C-terminal side of the backbone, but doesn't actually mean the amino acid has acidic properties, it's just a naming convention. Most amino acids balance out around 7 because in water, the carboxylic acid will give up a proton while the N-terminus snags a proton. The net change in pH is thus largely negligible.


GypsyV3nom t1_izxmquh wrote

Ugh, I remember this one. Thought it was pretty good at the time, until you realize that there's a lot of embellishment and poor logic that goes into the conclusions.

Plus, if any culture would have "discovered" the New World between Leif Erikson and Columbus, it would have been the Polynesians. They were cultivating the sweet potato as early as the 13th century, a crop that previously only existed in South America.