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badamache t1_j55irxk wrote

Wiki: Records indicate that the high frequency of twins predates Mengele's arrival to South America.


weaselmaster t1_j585xg1 wrote

And just yesterday an article made the front page saying it was due to a specific yam variety that cause double ovulation to be so high.

Gotta slip the nazis in there somehow, though!


DBDude t1_j56nyd7 wrote

This gives too much credit to Mengele. His twin experiments had no scientific value, so there was no way he could have used those experiments to increase the rate of twin births.


100LittleButterflies t1_j55ksnv wrote

I wonder how many random little towns across south America are predominantly German descent.


MatiasPalacios t1_j55rs6y wrote

Pretty common. Some of them are or used to be exclusively German towns were people only talked german. Some extreme cases are the Mennonites towns in Argentina that still exist today, were men talk german in town and spanish when they travel to the cities, but woman's only talk german because they rarely travel outside the town.


Furzapfel t1_j57oinn wrote

There is a new movie called "Women Talking" that is based on a true story of a Mennonite colony in Bolivia. The men used animal tranquilizers on women and girls and raped them while they slept.


CheeseburgerSocks t1_j57z2bc wrote

I read up on that recently after hearing about the film. Fucking bonkers. Those poor women and children.


Puzzleworth t1_j59hxmp wrote

The worst part is that it's still going on. There was a lot that was hinky about the "official" story, and many members of the community think it was basically a coverup for abuse by the victims' family members. The nighttime attacks continued after the men were jailed. Anesthetics also don't work the way the prosecution claimed. Canadian Mennonite's coverage goes into way more detail.


rowej182 t1_j5lffko wrote

My uncle grew up in one in Brazil. His parents were German immigrants and he grew up speaking only German. Didn’t event learn Portuguese until he was around 8.


Significant-Skill653 t1_j55h83x wrote

There has been multiple debates but the answer is clear nothing the Nazi party ever did in medicine especially menegele ever discovered everything that's a lot of people's defense is that even though there experiments were unethical they helped medicine and no they did not they did not do a single thing except torture and cut open people for no reason


Pt_Zero t1_j569f3m wrote

, .

I think you dropped those…


Significant-Skill653 t1_j56qyec wrote

Lol ya I'm terrible with grammar always have been I'm sorry to those who have to read my writing


SeanG909 t1_j567but wrote

I think there were some advances made in regards to hypothermia. But mengele in particular was a madman whose depravity accomplished nothing


allenahansen t1_j58zmd5 wrote

In the late 1950s, my family lived in a small, recently-built housing tract in Long Beach, California that counted 17 sets of twins, 3 sets of triplets, and 1 set of quadruplets all under the age of 12 in a total of 54 homes. I think it was some sort of national record, although no one could figure out if it was environmental or simply coincidence.

I do know that my youngest sister --who was conceived and born there-- ended up dying of early onset breast cancer at the age of 36.


Perfect-Editor-5008 t1_j55dr8v wrote

I think one day the conspiracy theory that Hitler and other head Nazis escaped to Argentina will be found to be true. There's just too much pointing to it.


CraigWilson9955 t1_j55fdrx wrote

I'm not sure about Hitler but we definitely know a few high ranking nazis did escape to Argentina including Adolf Eichmann the architect of the holocaust so its not out the question that few more may have joined him


9fingerwonder t1_j55fbmz wrote

Like we know lots of nazis did including high level ones. Is it just Hitler we are waiting on confirmation of?


Perfect-Editor-5008 t1_j55gfxn wrote

Yes but for starters it would take Russia to admit that the skull they found wasn't his.


9fingerwonder t1_j55jjt1 wrote

So literally an impossibility


Perfect-Editor-5008 t1_j55kew3 wrote

Yeah basically

FFS yes people please keep downvoting my comments. I'm sorry this conspiracy theory makes you feel butthurt and rattles your worldview but it is something that's actually possible with history changing ramifications. Get over it


9fingerwonder t1_j55lrv2 wrote

What changes in the world were Hitler lived to his 70s?


Perfect-Editor-5008 t1_j55mkre wrote

Well not to the world other than him escaping and not dying. I think a lot of people would be pretty pissed to know he was alive and could have been caught and brought before the court


9fingerwonder t1_j55o19k wrote

I rather like the idea he would have had to live out his days always wondering if today was the day he was found out.


Perfect-Editor-5008 t1_j55pc5p wrote

That would be nice but look into The Inalco House... This is the most popular theory of where he lived his days out. That's just a picture of the mansion.


Pt_Zero t1_j569ts4 wrote

The only thing that’s kind of a conspiracy theory is that Hitler lived and escaped, but that’s a pretty common theory. No one really knows. I think the downvotes you’re getting are for acting like we haven’t already confirmed that lots of other Nazis did make it to South America.


Perfect-Editor-5008 t1_j56b1z5 wrote

I'm not acting like we didn't know that, I misspoke.


Pt_Zero t1_j56cf0p wrote

That’s fine, but we can’t tell via text whether you misspoke or you actually didn’t know that.


FuriouSherman t1_j55z3gq wrote

Hitler definitely shot himself in his bunker in Berlin, but numerous high-ranking Nazis made it to South America or the Middle East via ratlines. Martin Bormann, his secretary, was one of them.


Perfect-Editor-5008 t1_j55zrvg wrote

Trust me I hope he did kill himself but it's just things like these that leave questions. One says it's his, one says it's not. But this is how all conspiracy theories start, right?


FuriouSherman t1_j5600xz wrote

I trust the Smithsonian more than I trust a news outlet like the Guardian. I can also link you to some Mark Felton videos that conclusively state Hitler shot himself.


Perfect-Editor-5008 t1_j560avq wrote

It was just the first 2 sites I saw that showed the 2 different sides. I didn't specifically choose the guardian for any reason.