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Ray_Pingeau t1_j5tvm0z wrote

Reminds me of the formation of the punk band Crass. They knew a guy who wanted to be in a band but couldn’t play an instrument so he just Rand his hand up and down the neck of a guitar while strumming the string. Eventually he developed a style that made the band what it was.


thisismyname03 t1_j5vlv46 wrote

Didn’t think I’d see a comment about Crass on Reddit. Good lord I haven’t listened to them or Conflict in some time. Anarcho punk was great.


Minuted t1_j5w9mjn wrote

Someone mentioning Conflict on reddit, don't think I've ever seen them mentioned before.

Slaughter of Innocence was my top listened to song last year on Spotify. Message to Who was third.

Not even that into anarcho punk or punk itself these days, just learned of them a few years ago and was hooked.


thisismyname03 t1_j5wcpr5 wrote

I haven’t listened to them in a loooong time but this is really getting me excited about them hahah. I recommend Subhumans as well. Bit more of traditional punk but very similar.


defiancy t1_j5x3nsz wrote

I love Conflict. A lot of high school memories listening to those guys.


Darqologist t1_j5xdkz0 wrote

Conflict 1986 The Ungovernable Force: One of my favorite Anarcho punk albums.


crustycornbread t1_j5tz67q wrote

Huh interesting can you give an example of what you’re talking about


suffaluffapussycat t1_j5vlnzd wrote

Jim Morrison’s first live music experience was when a friend’s band needed to be a quintet so they gave Jim a guitar and ran a cable behind some gear.


machuitzil t1_j5ublu9 wrote

The Beatles were asked if Ringo was the best drummer in the world and the response was "Ringo isn't even the best drummer in the Beatles".


Desper8lyseekntacos t1_j5ucf13 wrote

That's not true


substantial-freud t1_j5udqe7 wrote

More than thirty years ago, I was watching an interview with Ringo on TV and he boasted, “I’m the greatest drummer in the world.”

Alone in the room, I immediately shot back “You’re not even the greatest drummer in the Beatles.”

I have since heard that (admittedly fairly obvious) retort attributed to a dozen celebrities.


[deleted] t1_j5ucs8r wrote



Prophet_of_Entropy t1_j5upq8z wrote

and cause people say it, it must be true right?


KingKratom00 t1_j5uskru wrote

There is no other way to acquire info on a band that was active 60 years or so ago dude except from other people talking about it. Are you mentally disabled? You think I can just hop in a time machine and buzz back to the 60s to see for myself?


machuitzil t1_j5ud2zx wrote

Haha, man that comment apparently pissed you off. Chillax bro, this is the internet and the points don't matter.


gothteen145 t1_j5wcs4r wrote

the guy said "that's not true", how is that pissed off?